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C H L O R A perfoliata.
Yellow Centaury.
0 C T A N D R I A Monogynia.
Gen. Char. Calyx eight-leaved. Corolla in eight feg-
ments. Capfule with one cell, two valves, and many
leeds. Stigma four-cleft.
Spec; Char. Leaves perfoliate.
S yn . Chlora perfoliata. Linn. Syfi. Nat. ed. 12 . -n. I
267. Bud/. FI. An. 168. With. Bot. A rr. 392.
Relh. Cant. 157.
Centaurium luteum perfoliatum. Rail Syn. 287.
A Chalky or lime-ftone foil generally produces this plant in
feveral parts of England, efpecially in open, hilly fixations j
as Cambridgefhire, Worcefterlhire, about Briftol Hot-wells,
and the chalky parts of Norfolk and Suffolk. It does not
thrive well in a garden, and though rather impatient of cold,
yet if fheltered, it becomes mildewed. The root is annual;
the whole plant generally very glaucous, and fomewhat fuc-
culent, very bitter to the tafte. Its bright and elegant flowers
appear in July and Auguft.
Thofe who have placed Chlora in the order Digynia are
undoubtedly miftaken, as the ftyle is really Ample, though the
ftigma be 4-cleft, which laft is the moft effential diagnoflic of
the genus.