A L L I U M urfinum.
Broad-leaved Garlicky or Ramjont,
^ E X N D R I Jl Monogyma*
Gen. Char. Cor. in 6 fpreading fegments, Spatha
containing many flowers. Umbel denfe. Capfult
Spec. Char. Stalk naked, triangular. Leaves lanceolate,
on footftalks. Umbel flattilh on the top.
Syn. Allium urfinum. Linn. Sp. P L 4 3 1 . HudJ. F L
An. 140 . With. Bot. A rr. 3 4 4 . R elh. Cant. 135.
A . fylveftre latifolium. R a ii Syn. 370.
T h is plant is but too plentiful in woods and hedges throughout
moll parts of England. The milk of cows that eat it becomes
intolerably naufeous, from the well-known garlick flavour
common to the whole genus, and peculiarly aftive in this fne-
oes. Its roots confift of long flefhy fibres at the bottom of a
flender bulb, and can fcarcely be eradicated when they have
once taken pofieflion of a fpot of ground. Moift fhady groves
and thickets are its favourite habitation, and the copious fnow-
white flowers, enlivening many a fhady dell, might be feen with
pleafure, if the odour of the herb, wherever it is bruifed or
trodden upon, did not fo frequently infect the air around.
This is one of thofe fpecies of Allium whofe leaves all arife
from the root, and the only Britifh one of that defcription with
broad leaves. Its characters indeed cannot be miftaken. The
italk is occafionally more or lefs acutely triangular, at leaft in
the upper part; fpatha of two leaves; filaments all of equal
breadth, and nearly equal in length. The flowers appear early
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