A L L I U M carinatum.
Mountain Garlick.
HEXANDRIA Monogynia.
Gen. Char, Cor. inferior, of 6 spreading petals.
Spatha cloven, containing many flowers. Umbel
dense. Stigma simple.
Spec. Char. Umbel bearing bulbs. Leaves flat. All
the stamina awlshaped. Spatha acute.
Syn. Allium carinatum. L inn. Sp. P L 426. Sm. F I.
B rit. 357. Huds. 139. IVith. 333. Hull. 72.
A. montanum bicorne purpureum proliferum. R a il
Syn. 369.
B u l b s of this Allium were brought from Westmoreland
many years ago by Mr. Crowe, in whose garden the plant has
ever since been preserved without requiring any particular attention,
flowering in July, and we are obliged to that gentleman
for a specimen.
Bulb ovate, whitish, perennial. Stem about 3 feet high,
simple, round, smooth, its lower half leafy. Leaves not a
quarter of an inch broad, bluntish, rather succulent, solid,
thicker and roughish at the edge; concave above ; convex and
somewhat keeled at the back; with very long ribbed sheaths.
Umbel rather loose and spreading, the flowerstalks being elongated
as the flowers expand, and they are accompanied at their
base by numerous elliptical blackish bulbs, which fall off and
vegetate. Spatha of 2 principal very long leaves, much divaricated
and acute, one of which is fallen off in our specimen.
Flowers dull brownish yellow, the keels of the petals darker,
or greenish, smooth. Stamina all simple, awlshaped, connected
at their base, 3 earlier than the rest. Germen with 6
furrows. Style short, with a blunt simple stigma. The seeds
seldom ripen.