S E D U M dafyphyllum.
Thick-leaved Stonecrofi.
DECANDRIA Peniagynia.
Gen. Char. Cal. 3-deft. Petals 5, with 5 nectariferous
fcales at the bafe of the germen. Capfules 3.
Spec. Char. Leaves oppofite, ovate, obtufe, flefhy.
Stem weak. Panicle glutinous.
Syn. Sedum dafyphyllum. Linn. Sp. PL 618. Hudf.
197. With. 428. Hull. 99. Relh. 179. Sibth. 144,
Abbot. 98. Curt. Lond. fafc. 3. t. 26.
S. minus circinato folio. Dill, in Raii Syn. 2 7 1 .
T H I S pretty little Sedum was pointed out to us at Clifton,
near Briftol, by Mr. Dyer. It grows on walls or rocks, and is
often to be feen about London, as at Hammerfmith, Kew and
Chelfea. When once introduced into a garden it propagates
itfelf freely upon walls, wafte places, and about garden-pots.
We believe it to be perennial, though it fo frequently difap-
pears in one fpot, and re-appears in another, we have fometimes
thought it only biennial. It flowers copioufly in June.
Root of fmall white fibres. Stems thread-like, creeping,
weak and proftrate, being quite weighed down by the leaves,
except the flowering branches, which are panicled, downy and
vifcid. The leaves are oppofite, clofely imbricated, fefiile, ovate,
glaucous, extremely thick and juicy; thofe on the flowering
branches only being alternate. Panicles terminal, fpreading,
of a few flowers. Calyx downy, vifcid. Petals white, with a
purple keel. Antherse dark red. Capfules often more than