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A L I S M A ranunculoides.
Lejfer Water Plantain.
H E X A N D R I A P olygynict•
G e n . C h a r . Cal. of three leaves. Petals three.
Seeds many.
Spec. Char. Leaves linear-lanceolate. Fruit glo-
bofe. Seeds acute.
Syn. Alifma ranunculoides. Linn. Sp. P I. 48 7 . Hudf.
F I. An. 15 8 . With. P ot. A r r . 38 3 . Relh. Cant.
150 . Sibth. Ox. 120.
Plantago aquatica minor. Ran Syn. 3 5 7 .
G r o w s in fwampy turfy places, not very frequently.
Mr. J. Rayer gathered it on Finchley common, flowering in
Root perennial, of many long Ample fibres, as in rnoft aquatic
plants, from the crown of which arife feveral upright,
narrow-lanceolate, fmooth, entire leaves, on long very fpongy
foot-ftalks. Stalk moftly taller than the leaves,, upright or decumbent,
round, fmooth, bearing two or more whorls (often
proliferous) of flowers on long flower-ftalks, with fmall membranous
bra&ese at their infertion. Calyx-leaves fmall, round-
ith, concave, permanent. Petals much larger, of an elegant
pale purple, yellow at their 'bafe, expanding in the middle of
the day, flightly waved. Stamina Ihort. Germens very numerous,
colle&ed into a fmall globe. Seeds with five angles,
and an acute point, forming a round briftly head, by which
it may always be diftinguilhed from every variety of A. Plantago,
the feeds of which are very blunt and comprefied.