J U N C U S fylvaticus.
Great Wood Eujfi.
H E X A N D R I A Monogynia.
Gen. Char. Cal. of 6 leaves, permanent. Cor. none.
Caff, fuperior, of 3 valves, with 1 or 3 cells. Seeds
feveral. Stigmas 3.
Spec. Char. Stem leafy. Leaves flat, hairy, pointed.
Panicle cymofe, doubly compound. Flowers
Syn. Juncus fylvaticus. Sm. FI. Brit. 38 3 . Hudf. 1 3 1 .
Sibth. 1 16 . Abbot. 80. Curt. Lond.fafc. 3. t. 26.
Dick/. H. Sicc.fafc. 13 . 13 .
. J . pilofus 5. Linn. Sp. Pi. 468.
J. maximus. With. 349.
Gramen nemorofum hirfutum latifolium maximum.
Raii Syn. 416.
T h i s generally grows in the fame places as the J. pilofus,
and is nearly as common, but blofloms a month later. It
fometimes covers the ground, as with a dry elaftic mat, to the
exclufion of moll other plants.
Linnaeus confidered this as a variety of J. pilofus, and indeed
confounded many other moll diftinbl fpecies under pilofus, and
campejlris. He has left behind him a manufcript note faying
that “ thofe who wilh to make many fpecies but of thefe two
may confult Haller.” Truth obliges us to confefs that Haller
has elucidated thefe plants, which are mollly alpine, better than
The plant now before us is known from pilofus not only by
the greater lize of its herbage, but elfentially by the flowers
growing in clullers, generally about 3 in each, not fingly, and
by the branches of the panicle being lefs divaricated, and not
pendulous. The flowers are alfo fmaller than in that laft
This is generally reckoned as ufelefs as the other. Both
feem however not ill calculated for packing, or for fluffing mat-
trefles inftead of common ftraw, being very foft and elaftic.
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