IfOj [ 900 ]
J U N C U S cailaneus.
Clujiered Alpine Rujk,
HEXANDR1A Monogynia:
Gen. Char. Cal. of 6 leaves, permanent. Cor. none.
Capf. fuperior, of 3 valves, with 1 or 3 cells.
Seeds feveral. Stigmas 3.
Spec. Char. Leaves folded, flat, clafping the Item.
Heads terminal, moftly in pairs, many-flowered,
with a leaf under them, Bradteae acute.
S yn. Juncus caftaneus. Sm. F I. B rit. 38 5 .
J . Jacquini. Sym, Syn. 8 7, Hull, 76.
VV E know not that any figure exifts of this Ruth. It was
firft found on the highland mountain of Ben Lawers, by
Mr. Dickfon and Mr. Mackay, and appeared on the lift of
Britifh plants in Mr. Symons’s Synopjts, under the name of
the Linnsean Juncus Jacquini, which at firft fight it refembles,
but from which it will be found on comparifon widely different.
The plant now before us grows in marfliy places where the
foil is micaceous, flowering in July. The root is perennial,
creeping by means of long {lender fcaly fcyons, which throw
up young plants from their extremities. Stems from 6 to IZ
inches high, round, folitary, leafy, not cluftered and naked as
in J. Jacquini. Leaves all growing on the ftem, moft numerous
about the bottom, alternate, ere&, ftieathing and broad at
their bafe, folded above fo as to make a (harp keel, with 3 flat
tides: the uppermoft, immediately under the flowers, thort
and fmall. Heads terminal, ereft, two together, except in
weak plants, one on a longer ftalk than the other, of a dark
thining brown, and formed of about 4 or more flowers, with a
lanceolate pointed braftea to each, a little remote from the
bafe. Calyx-leaves acute, the length of the ftamina, but only
half as long as the ripe capfule, which is oblong, pointed, 3 -
celled, containing numerous feeds. The feeds terminate in a
flender appendage at each end, as in Nartbetfium ojjifragum,
t* 535’