[ 5 * 7 ]
P Y R O L A fecunda.
Serrated Winter-green.
/ t 7
t) E C A R D R 1 A Monogynia.
G en. Char. Cal. five-cleft. Petals five. Cdpf. five-
celled, burfting at the angles.
Spec. Char. Flowers all leaning one way.
Syn. Pyrola fecunda. Linn. Sp. P I. 567. Hudf. 176 .
With. 401. Pick/. H . S icc.fa fc. 3. 8.
P. folio mucronato ferrato. Rati Syn. 36 3 .
To complete our hiftory of the Britifli Pyrola, as far as they
are at prefent known, we have obtained wild fpecimens of the
fpecies now before us by the kind afliftance of James Brodie,
Efq. F.L.S., from the hill of Dunnairn in the Earl of Moray’s
foreft of Darnway, in the neighbourhood of Brodie houfe. It
is of very rare occurrence in this illand, growing only under
the fhade of firs in the moft alpine forefts. Ray had it from
Yorklhire. It is perennial, and flowers in July.
The roots are fmall and fibrous. Stems at firft procumbent,
creeping, flender, alternately branched, clothed with a few
fcattered lanceolate ftipula;; their extremities are angular, leafy
and ere (ft. Leaves on longifh footftalks, fpreading, ovate,
acute, finely ferrated, neatly reticulated with veins, fmooth on
both fides, of a bright pleafant green. Stalk terminal, erect,
Ample, bearing a few fcattered lanceolate bradese, and terminating
in a Ample duller of greenifh-white flowers, which
Hand on footftalks, each accompanied by a bradea, a little
drooping, and all lean to one flde. The calyx is fmall, its
edges membranous and fomewhat lacerated, as are thofe of the
bradese. Petals oblong, concave. Stamina equal and uniform,
when young crooked, the antherse bent outwards with their
pores downward; when ripe the filaments become ftraight, the
antherse bent inwards, and their pores are uppermoft, according
to Mr. Sowerby’s remark. The germen and capfule are
deprefied, with five furrows. Style long, ftraight, permanent,
with a large, deprefied, five-lobed ftigma. The feeds are very
minute and chaffy.
The other Britifh fpecies of this genus are defcribed in our
3d volume.