0)Û [ 2001 ]
E P I L O B I U M alpinum.
Alpine Willow-herb.
OCTANDRIA Monogynia.
Gen. Char. Cal. in 4 segments. Petals 4. Caps.
oblong, inferior. Seeds feathered.
Spec. Char. Leaves on short footstalks, elliptic-lanceolate,
obtuse, mostly entire. Stem decumbent.
Flowers few.
Syn. Epilobium alpinum. L inn. Sp. PI. 495. Sm.
F I. B rit. 4 1 3 . Huds. 163. With. 368. Hull. 83.
L igh t/. 199. t. 10 ./ . 1. Dicks. H . S icc.fa sc. 2. 14.
F I. Dan. t. 332. Vilrlars Dauph. v. 3. 5 1 0 .
E. n. 9 9 9 . H a ll. Hist. v. 1 . 426.
T his we have formerly gathered on Ben Lomond, by the
sides of rivulets about two thirds of the way up. From wild
Scottish specimens, assisted by fresh ones from the garden
of the Comtesse de Vandes, where this and many other rare
plants are cultivated in great perfection, our figure was completed.
The plant is perennial, flowering in June or July,
and ripening seed in August.
Roots creeping, throwing up a few scattered leafy shoots,
and still fewer weak ascending simple leafy stems, which are
slightly angular and sometimes downy. Leaves- on short
stalks, elliptical, obtuse, inclining to lanceolate, entire, or
with a few slight scattered teeth; the floral ones only alternate.
Flowers generally 2, rarely 1 or 3, on simple stalks from the
bosoms of the upper leaves. Germen long, downy. Petals
rose-coloured, cloven. Stigma clubshaped, but we think undivided,
or at least but slightly notched.