A R E N A R I A peploides.
Sea Chickweed.
D E C A N D R I A Trigynia.
Gen. Char. Cal. five-leaved, fpreading. Petals
five, undivided. Cap/, of one cell, with many
Spec. Char. Leaves ovate, acute, fielhy.
S yn. Arenaria peploides. Linn. Sp. P I. 605. Hudf.
F I. An. 19 1 . With. Bot. A rr. 4 58 .
Alfine marina, foliis Portulaca?. R a il Syn. 3 5 1 .
P e c u l i a r to the fandy fhores of the fea, but there found
in abundance. Its juices partake of the alkaline nature of other
fucculent maritime plants.
The roots are ftringy, creeping, and extend very far, throwing
out fibres at every joint. Stem alternately branched, forming
thick leafy procumbent tufts, angular, fmooth and lucid, as
is every part of the herb. Leaves fefiile, ovate, entire, flightly
recurved, of a beautiful bright green. Flowers on fhort foot-
ftalks, folitary at the divifions of the Hem, fmall, white, and not
very confpicuous. Calyx quite deftitute of ribs. Germen with
a row of yellowilh glands round its bafe. Styles very Ihort.
No other fpecies of Arenaria can be confounded with this.
It flowers about the middle of Summer, and is perennial.