L E U C O J U M asftivum.
Summer Sn ow fla k e.
H E X A N B R I A Monogynia.
G e n . Char. Cor. fuperior, bell-fhaped, of 6 petals,
thickened at their fummit. Stigma Ample. Stamina
Spec. Char. Spatha many-flowered. Style club-
Syn. Leucojum seftivum. Linn. Sp. P I. 4 14 . With. 3 3 1 .
Curt. Lond. fa fc . 5. t. 23. Jacq. jiu jlr. t. 203.
L . bulbofum majus polyanthemum. Ger. em. 148.
M r . CURTIS firft: added this plant to the catalogue of En-
glith natives, having found it clofe to the Thames’ fide below
London in feveral places. Mr. Gough has alfo obferved it near
Kendal. Our fpecimen was gathered at Reading by Mr. Murray
of that place. We have lately been informed by Mrs. Cob-
bold, that the Summer Snowflake is a troublefome weed in old
paftures, which probably have never been broken up, at Little
Stonham, Suffolk. After all thefe authorities, we can no longer
refufe it a place in the Flora Britannica. It is perennial, and
flowers in May.
The root is a roundifh bulb, fmall in proportion to theiherb-
age. Leaves all radical, numerous, fheathing, ereft, a foot and
half or more in length, blunt, keeled, of a bright green. Stalk
about as long as the leaves, two-edged, many-flowered. Spatha
lanceolate, concave, green, erect. Partial flower-fialks Ample,
nodding. Flowers inodorous, of 6 fnow-white petals, each
marked with a green prominent fpot near the tip. Anther«
obtufe, burlting by two pores at the fummit. Style club-
fhaped, about equal to the ftamina in length, with an acute
ftigma, Capfule elliptical, blunt, of three cells, containing
feveral large globofe feeds.
This is an ornamental plant, and is frequently cultivated in
country gardens. It increafes faff by offsets from the root.
The uniformity of its petals diftinguifhes the genus Leucojum
from Galanthus. See our t. 19.