N A R C I S S U S poeticus.
Poetic Narciffus.
H E X A N D R I A Monogynia.
Gen. Char. Petals 6, equal. Neftary funnel-fiiaped,
of one leaf, containing the Jlamina.
.Spec. Char. Spatha fingle-flowered. Cup of the
neftary very fhort, wheel-fliaped, filmy, crenate.
Leaves obtufely carinated, with a reflexed margin
S yn. Narciffus poeticus. Linn. Sp. PI. 4 14 . Ait,
Hort. Kew. V. 1. 408,
N . majalis. Curt. Mag. 19 3 , at the end.
G a t h e r e d by Mr. Jacob Rayer on a rabbit warren at
Shorne between Gravefend and Rochefter, in flower May 26,
I795. It is alfo found at Wood Baft wick and in other parts
of Norfolk, according to the late Mr.; Rofe, who always
ftrenuoufly infilled upon Mr. Hudfon’s having confounded
two different plants under his N. poeticus, and that this now
before us was the true Linnsean fpecies, which laft opinion
is confirmed by the Herbarium of Linnseus, Mr. Curtis s
anguJUfohus, Bot. Mag. t. 193, may, as far as we can judge
from his account, be diftinft from this, though mere garden
fpecies are always to be received with caution. His is the
kind of Narciffus medio purpureus moll commonly noticed by
old authors, and he has judicioufly felecled its fynonyms,
only miftaking that of Linnseus. We have no knowledge of
its being found in a wild, or even naturalized Hate in England.
Our real poeticus, which whether originally a native or not,
is now perfectly naturalized in Tandy heathy places, or on
many a
- ------ “ breezy hill that Ikirts the down,”
has leaves more than half an inch in breadth, with a very
obtufe keel, and fomewhat reflexed margin. The flower is
almoft always folitary, large, very flagrant, pure white ; the
nedlary bordered with orange or rather crimfon j the anthers-
Jjiort and roundilh. A double variety is frequent in gardens.