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P O L Y G O N U M minus,
Small Creeping Perßcaria,
ÖCTANDR1A Trigyniä.
Geh. Chaä. Cal. coloured, in 5 fegmentSj perma-*
nent. Seed folitary, fuperior, angular, inverted
with the calyx. Siam, and P iß . uncertain in
Spec. ChAr. Flowers with fix ftamifra, and undivided
ftyle. Leaves linear-lanceolate, flat. Spikes
flender, upright. Stem rooting at the bafe.
Syh . Polygonum minus. Hudf. ed. 1. 148. Sm. Fl.
B rit. 426. Curt. Lönd. fa fc . 1. t. 28. With. 380.
Hull. 85. Reih. 161 . Sibth. 130. Abbot. 89.
Perficaria pufilla repens. R ail Syn. 14 5 .
T h i s fpecies of Polygonum, originally characterized by
Mr. Hudfon in his firlt edition, having been afterwards reduced
by the fame author to the Hydropiper, and by Linnaeus
to the Perjicaria, has by many perfons been conlidered as very
doubtful. At length, however, Mr. Curtis eftablifhed it beyond
all controverfy on the cleared: principles of diftindtion.
With P. Perjicaria it has little affinity; its whole habit,
fmooth fpotlefs leaves, and very loofe flender fpikes, bring it
much nearer to P. Hydropiper: from both it differs in having
an undivided ftyle, the ftigmas only being feparate. The
leaves moreover are flat, not undulated, fcarcely at all veined j
the whole plant fmaller and more procumbent than the laft
mentioned, and the flowers have no glandular dots. ’ The
ftigmas are fometimes 3, but moftly 2. Root annual. Spikes
ereCt, or very little drooping. Stipulae fringed.
It flowers in September, and may be found on gravelly
watery commons, but much more rarely than mod of its
genus. In Tothill-fields, Weftminfter, as well as about
Blackheath, we find it in the greateft abundante.