** C 34s ]
E P I LO B IUM paluftre,
Narrow-leaved Marjh Willow-herb.
0 C T A N D R I A Monogynia.
Gen. Char. Cal. in 4 fegments. Petals 4. Capfule
oblong;. Seeds feathered.
Spec. Char. Leaves oppofite, lanceolate, nearly entire.
Petals notched at the end. Stem erecft.
Syn. Epilobium paluftre. Linn. Sj>. PL 495. Hudf.
FI. An. 163. With. Bot.Arr. 391. Relh. Cant.
154. Sibth. Ox. 123. Dick/. H. Sicc.fa/c. 2. 15.
Lyfimachia filiquofa glabra minor anguftifolia. Ran
Syn. 311.
I n marfhy moorifh land not unfrequent, though eafily overlooked
from its refemblance to E. tetragonum, from which>
however, it fufficiently differs in having a round item, narrow
and almoft entire leaves, as well as in being generally fmaller.
It flowers in July, and is one of the leaft attractive of the whole
Root perennial, fibrous. Stem about a foot high, ere£t,
round, leafy, flightly downy, as are alfo the young leaves,
flower-ftalks, germen and calyx. Leaves oppofite, nearly feflile,
linear-lanceolate, obtufe, entire or very obfoletely toothed.
Flowers ere£t, fmall, of a pale purple, the petals fo notched
as to be often inverfely heart-fhaped. Seeds very numerous,
crowned with at uft of long flender hair. The upper leaves,
from whofe bofoms the flowers fpring, are alternate. Sometimes
the whole herb is fmooth, or fcarcely downy, except the
very young (hoots and germens.