Yellow Star o f Bethlehem.
H E X A N D R I A Monogynia.
Gen. Char. Cor. of fix petals, eredt, permanent,
from about the midway fpreading. Filaments alternately
broader at the bafe.
S pec. Char. Stalk angular, bearing two leaves. Flower-
ftalks in an umbel, undivided.
Syn. Ornithogalum luteum. Linn. Sp. P I. 439. HudJ.
FI. An. 14 3 . With. Bot. Arr. 34 7. R a il Syn. 3 7 2 .
F l OWERS in March and April, in woods and paftures, but
in very few parts of England. Near Oxford it has been found
plentifully, and in fome parts of Yorkfhire, from whence this
fpecimen was communicated by R. A. Salifbury, Efq.
The floral leaves are ciliated with fine white hairs, of which
the radical one (which is almoft always folitary) is deftitute.
The antherse, before they burft, are oblong j afterwards they become
remarkably fhortened, and almoft round, but didymous,
as reprefented at the bottom of our plate. The ftyle is triangular.
The petals, always of a pale green externally, afliime
that colour entirely as they wither, and become clofed round
the feed-veflel.