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CON V AL L A R I A Polygonatum.
Angular Solomon s-Seal.
H E X A N D R I A Monogynia.
Gen. Char. Cor. 6-cleft. Berry fpotted, 3-celled.
Spec. Char. Leaves alternate, embracing the ftem,«
which is angular. Flower-ftalks axillary, bearing'
fcarcely more than one flower.
S vn. Convallaria Polygonatum. Linn. Sp. PL 451 .
H udJ.Fl. An. 146. With. Bot. Arr. 3 54 .
Polygonatum floribus ex fingulis pediculis. Rati
Syn. 263.
S lJP P O S E D to be much more rare than the laft defcribed,
and we believe it is fo, though it may have been overlooked from
its refemblance to that fpecies. It is thought to be peculiar
to mountainous fituations in the north; but this fpecimen was*
gathered by Mr. J. Rayer in Kent, and Dr. Smith found it on
the fandy downs of Holland near the Hague. It flowers in May
or June, and is perennial.
Root and whole habit of the plant like C. multiflora, except
that the ftem is fcarcely fo tall. The effential differences are,
that the ftem of C. Polygonatum is angular and compreffed; the
flowers fcarcely more than one on a flower-ftalk, larger, more'
fragrant, with broader fegments, and more remarkably bearded.-
The berries are faid to be blue.
The root of this alfo has been made into bread. Our South
Sea voyagers made beer of the fweet root of Draatna terminally
a plant very nearly related to thefe Convallarias. As they feem
to abound with farinaceous matter, they might perhaps be made
into ftarch or hair-powder when a fcarcity of wheat is apprehended,
for fuch a misfortune ought to be always guarded againft-
in time before it is a&ually felt.
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