( 672 )
J U N C U S campeftris.
Hairy Field Rujk.
H E X A N D R I A Monogynia.
Gen. Char. Cal. of 6 leaves, permanent. Cor. none.
Capf. fuperior, of 3 valves, with 1 or 3 cells. Seeds
feveral. Stigmas 3 .
Spec. Char. Stem leafy. Leaves flat, hairy. Spikes
terminal, feflile and pedunculated. Capfules ob-
Syn. Juncus campeftris. Linn. Sp. PI. 468. Sm. FI.
Brit. 38 5. Hudf. 15 2 . With. 350. Hull. 76.
Relh. 14 5 . Sihth. 1 16 . Curt. Lond.fafc. 2. t. 19.
Dickf. H. Sicc.fafc. 14 . 17 .
Gramen exile hirfutum. Raii Syn. 4 16 .
jS G. hirfutum elatius, panicula juncea compadla.
Rail Syn. 4x6, the fynonyms doubtful.
E E Y frequent in dry barren paftures, where it flowers in
April or May, and is rendered confpicuous by its large fulphur-
coloured antherae oppofed to the dark copper-brown of the
Root perennial, creeping. Steins 4 or 5 inches high, Ample,
ftraight, leafy, round. Leaves linear-lanceolate, acute,
flat, entire, extremely hairy in the margin. Spikes terminal,
for the moll part Handing on (talks, ovate, obtufe, eredt, at
length drooping, each conflfting of about ten flowers, which
are feflile, and furnifhed. at the bafe with 3 or 4 torn bradteae.
The calvx-leaves are lanceolate, pointed. Stamina fhort,
equal. Style (lender. Capfule obovate, obtufe, incompletely
three-celled, containing only three feeds.
The variety 0 grows in turfy bogs, and is 12 or 15 inches
high, more naked, with more thickly cluftered fpikes; but I
have in vain fought, though with fcrupulous exadtnefs, for
any fpecific difference in the ftrudture of the frudlification.