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CONVAL LARIA verticillata.
Narrow-leaved Solomon s Seal.
H E X A N I) li I A Monogynia«
Gen. Char. Cor. 6-cleft. Berry fpotted, 3-celled.
Spec. Char. Leaves verticillate.
Syn. Convallaria verticillata. Linn. Sp. PI. 451. FL
Dan. t. 86, bad.
Polygonatum caule fimplici, eredto, foliis Verticillatis
ellipticis. Hall. Hiß. 1244.
P. minus. Ger. em. 903.
F o R this new and very interefting addition to the cata*
logue of Britilh vegetables we are indebted to Arthur Bruce,
Efq. Secretary to the Nat. Hift. Society of Edinburgh, who firft
found it, July ift, 1792, in the Den Rechip, a deep woody valley,
four miles north-eaft of Dunkeld in Perthfhire. From his
wild fpecimens, aflifted by a recent garden one, for the difiedtion
of the flower, our figure was drawn.
The root is perennial, flefhy, creeping horizontally among
(tones, in rocky, (hady, alpine places. Stem erect, near 2 feet
high, angular, ftriated, naked at bottom, in the upper part
clothed with copious leaves, which are lanceolate, bluntifti, entire,
fmooth, glaucous beneath, with numerous parallel nerves,
and (land, nearly feflile, about 3 or 4 together in a whorl all
the way up the Item, with here and there a draggling leaf or
two by itfelf. In weak plants molt of them are merely oppo-
fite, with 2 or 3 whorls occafionally. Stipulse none. From
feveral of the lowed whorls arife folitary, branched, flender,
drooping flower-dalks, each bearing two or three flowers, which
appear in the middle of June, and are white, cylindrical, divided
about a quarter of their length into fix bluntilh fegments, bearded
at the tip on the infide. The flamina are as long as the tube of
the corolla j dyle fliorter; germen round, green j berry blue.