E P I L O B I UM parviflorum.
iSmall-flowered hoary Willow-herb.
OCTANDRIA Monogynia.
Gen. Char. Cal. in 4 fegments. Petals 4. Caff.
oblong, inferior. Seeds feathered.
Spec. Char. Leaves feffile, lanceolate, downy. Stem
nearly fimple, woolly. Root fibrous.
Syn. Epilobium parviflorum. With. 36 7 . Sm. Fl.
Brit. 4 10 . Bull. 82.
E . villofum. Curt. Land. fafc. 2. t. 22. Relh. 152.
Sibtb. 1 a i . Abbot. 84.
E . hirfutum. Hudf. 161 . Linn. Sp. PI. 494, /3.
Lyfimachia filiquofa hirfuta parvo flore. Rail
Syn. 311. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
F r e q u e n t in watery places, and about the banks of
rivers, flowering in July.
Mr. Curtis has well diftinguithed this from the common
great-flowered Willow-herb, called (on account of its} fmell)
Codlings and Cream ; but he ought to have retained the name
of parviflorum, previoufly given by Schreber and Withering.
Mr. Hudfon has committed a different fault in taking the plant
before us for the real E. hirfutum, of Linnaeus; whereas it is
his variety j3.
The root is perennial, fibrous and branched. Stem fcarcely
2 feet high, Ample, or but little branched, round, leafy,
clothed with foft woolly hairs. Leaves clothed with fimilar
hairs, oppofite, feffile, minutely toothed; the upper ones alternate.
Flowers in a terminal leafy corymbus, at length becoming
a fpike. Petals obcordate, rofe-coloured or purpliffi.
Stiorna four-cleft, in which particular this differs from the only
two fpecies of Epilobium already figured in our work.
The great E. hirfutum above alluded to is eafily known by
its creeping root, tall branching ftem, broad leaves, and much
larger flowers.