O X A L I S Acetofella.
Common W o o d-So rrel.
H E CAND R I A Pentagynia.
Gen\ Char. • Cal. 5-leaved. Petals 5, conneffled by
their claws. Cap/, fuperior, of 5 cells, 5 -tided,
burfting at the angles. Seeds clothed with an
elaftic funic.
Spec. Char. Stalk tingle-flowered. .Leaves ternate,
inverfely heart-thaped, hairy. Root of fcaly joints.
Syst. Oxalis Acetofella. Linn. Sp. P I. 620. Sm. F l.
B rit. 4 9 1 . H ud/ 198. With. 430. Hull. 100.
Relh. 176 . Sibth. 144. Abbot. 100. Curt. Land,
fa/c. 2. t. 3 1 . Woodv. Med. Bot. t. 20.
Oxys alba. R aii Syn. * 281.
C j ROVES and thickets in the fpring abound with this pretty
plant, whofe delicate drooping blofloms do not indeed obtrude
themfelves upon the notice of every paflenger, being generally
thaded by buthes, or concealed by the herbage of other plants;
but when obferved they cannot fail to be admired, efpecially if
contrafted with the bright verdure of their proper/oliage. They
are produced in April or May. Later in the fummer the cap-
fules are found darting forth their little fliining feeds on the
flighted touch, by means of the elaftic arillus that contains them.
The root is perennial, and confifts of numerous flefhy red-
difti fcales. Stem none. Leaves on long ftallcs, three together,
inverfely heartfhaped, drooping at night, very acid to the tafte,
often purplifh beneath. Flowers on a Ample hairy purpliflt
ftalk. Petals white, beautifully veined with purple, yellow at
their bafe, and adhering together by a little glandular fwellino-
on each fide.
The leaves are beaten with fugar into an agreeably acid re-
frefiling conferve, partaking of the flavour of green tea.
I cannot help fufpedting this genus to be more allied to the
Rutacets of M. de Juffieu than to his Gerania. Many of the
former, lately difcovered in New Holland, have acid purplifh
leaves. The arillus however is the moft important point of
agreement which flrft led me to this fufpicion.