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R U M E X palustris.
Yellaw Marsh Dock.
Gen. Char. Cal. 3-leaved. Petals 3, closed. Seed 1,
superior, naked, triangular, Stigmas many-cleft.
Spec. Char. Valves lanceolate, grained, toothed at
the base. Leaves linear-lanceolate, Whorls distant.
Syn. Rumex palustris. Sm. F I. B rit. 394. Galpine 30.
R . maritimus. Huds. 1 55 (2. With. 356. Hull. 78 .
Curt. L o n d .fa sc . 3. t. 23. E h rh . Herb. 7 4 .
Lapathum aureum. D ill, in R a il Syn. 142.
N o t rare in St. George’s fields and other marshy places near
London, where it flowers in June and July, ripening seed
throughout the latter part of summer.
Root perennial, internally red, with whorled fibres. Stem
2 feet high, branched, leafy, furrowed, rough, sometimes
reddish. Leaves linear-lanceolate, acute, rather crisped at
the edges ; the radical ones large in proportion to the rest j
the floral ones small and narrow. Whorls numerous, remote
when in flower, green, each accompanied by a spreading leaf;
in fruit they become more crowded, and tawny, but not of so
rich a golden hue as in R. maritimus, t. 725. Valves of the
fruit lanceolate, each bearing an oblong grain, and furnished
on each side near the base with 3 bristle-shaped teeth, much
shorter than in the maritimus, from which we think this
speeies unquestionably distinct.