T R I E N T ALIS europæa.
C hick-w eed W inter-green.
H E P T A N D R I A Monogynia.
Gen. Char. Cal. feven-leaved. Cor. in feven feg-
ments, regular and flat. Berry dry.
Spec. Char. Leaves lanceolate and entire.
Syn, Trientalis europasa. L im . Sp. P I, 488. HudJ.
FI. An. 160. With. Bot. A rr. 384.
Alfinanthemos. R ail Syn. 286.
F 'O U N D in dry woods and turfy heaths in the north of
England, more plentifully in Scotland, as it is a plant chiefly
confined to the molt northern regions.
Linnseus in Flora Lapponica appears to have been quite enchanted
with this plant, poflibly from its being the only Lap-
land genus of his feventh clafs, and which therefore delighted
him in an extraordinary degree, as completing the uniformity
of his fyftem. It mult be confefied however that the number
of its ftamina is very inconftant.
The fpecific character in Speciet Plantarum, as given above,
is now fuperfluous, this being the only known fpecies of Trientalis,
fince the Trientalis Capenfis of Sp. PI. firft edition,
has been made a feparate genus by the name of Septas.
We Ihall in future leave a blank, in place of the fpecific character,
when the plant in queltion is the only one of its genus.