[ 170 I l e '
S E D UM rupeftre.
Rock Stonecrop.
D E Ç A N D R I A Pentagynia.
Gen. Char. Cal. 5-clefc. Pétais 5, with five nectariferous
feales at the bafe of the germen. Cap-
piles 5»
Spec. Char. Leaves thick, fubulate, cluftered together
in a five-fold order, and loofe at the bafe.
Flowers in a cyme.
Syn. Sedum rupeftre. Linn. Sp. P I. 6 18 . Hudf.
F I. An. 19 5 . With. Bot. A rr. 466.
S. minus a rupe S. Vincentii. R a il Syn. 2 70 .
O r ig in a l l y obferved on St. Vincent’s rocks, near Briltol
hot-wells, and afterwards on Chedder rocks by Dillenius, and
on a hill in Wales. Mr. Robfon found it on walls about Darlington,
from whence he fent us this wild fpecimen, flowering
in July 1792. '
The roots are perennial, branched, and throw out many long
decumbent Items, which are round, red and naked in their
lower part, taking root in many places ; above they are alternately
branched, terminating in thick club-fhaped tufts of
leaves, clofely imbricated. The flowering Items are more
upright, a foot high, clothed with more fcattered leaves,
and terminated by a large handfome cyme of yellow flowers.
The calyx is very glaucous, often tipped with red.
Flowers often in 6 or 7 parts inltead of 5. All the eaves
are glaucous, thick and fucculent, fubulate, unconnected
with the Item at their bafe, which is like a little blunt fpur;
they are more comprefled, and much more clofely imbricated
than in S. reflex um, neither are they ever recurved as in
that fpecies.
Dillenius firft well afeertained this plant in his Hortus Eltha-
menfis, where he has given a good figure of it, tab. 256, f 333.
Flora Danica, tab. 59, is a very different plant, the Sedum
faxatile of Wiggers, Flo. Holfat. 35.