E P I L O B I U M hirfutum.
Great hairy Willow-herb,
O CTANDRIA Monogynia.
Gen. Char. Cal. in 4 fegments. Petals 4. Capf,
oblong, inferior. Seeds feathered.
Spec. Char. Leaves partly embracing the ftem,
ovato-lanceolate, hairy. Stem much branched.
Root creeping.
Syn. Epilobium hirfutum. Linn. Sp. Pi. 4 9 4 * ^m-
FI. Brit. 4 10 . With. 366. Hull. 82. Relh. 15 3 .
Sibtb. 12 2 . Abbot. 84, Curt. Lond. fafc. 2. t. 2 1 .
E . ramofum. Hudf. 16 2 .
Lyfimachia filiquofa hirfuta, magno flore. Raii
Syn. 3 1 1 . _____________ _ _
ERY common in watery places, margins of ftreams, See.,
intermixed with reeds, Convolvulus fepiurn, and willows,
flowering in July. Its pink bJofloms are confpicuous at fomc
diftance, and render it very ornamental. The whole herb is
flightly vifeid, and when touched exhales a peculiar acid fmell,
compared to the flavour of codlings and cream.
Root perennial, creeping, by which it is peculiarly di-
flinguiflied from JE. parviflorum, t. 795» Stems four feet or
more in height, leafy, much branched, round, clothed with
foft white fpreading hairs, as is every part of the herbage.
Lower leaves oppofite, clafping the ftem; the uppermoft alternate
and feflile; all of a broad-lanceolate figure, pointed,
toothed and veiny. Flowers corymbofe, each accompanied by
a fmall leaf. Petals inverfely heart-fhaped, regular, twice as
long as the calyx, Germen downy, long.