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EPILOBIUM montanum.
Broad frnooth-leaved Willow-herb.
OCTANDRIA Monogynia.
Gen. Char. Cal. in 4 fegments. Petals 4. Capf.
oblong, inferior. Seeds feathered.
S pec. Char. Leaves on footftalks, ovate, toothed.
Stem round. Stigma in four lobes.
Syn. Epilobium montanum. Linn. Sp. P I. 494.
Sm. F I. B rit. 4 1 1 . Hudf. 16 2 . With. 36 7 .
H ull. 82. Relh. 151 . Sibtb. 12 2 . Abbot. 85.
' Curt. Lond. fa f c : 3 . t. 24.
Lyfimachia campeftris. Rail Syn. 3 1 1 .
FREQ.UENT in dry fhady hilly places, upon (tones, among
buflies, or about old walls and cottage roofs, flowering in July.
The root is perennial and moderately creeping, its (hoots
red, with which colour the ftem and older leaves are often
elegantly tinged, as in fome of the Geranium, tribe. Thefe
two genera have in feveral inftances an affinity in fmell and
tafte, though fo widely different in botanical characters. The
ftem is ereCt, fcarcely branched, leafy, round, occafionally a
little downy. Lower leaves oppofite, on (hort (talks, ovate,
fharply toothed, fmooth, with fome hoarinefs about the veins;
the uppermofl: alternate and narrower. Flowers in a loofe terminal
leafy Ample clufter. Germenlong, fmooth, dark red on
one flde. Petals inverfely heart-fhaped, rofe-coloured, not
large. Stigma in four deep fegments, by which this is efien-
tially diffinguiflied from E. rofeum, a fpecies that otherwife
much rtfembles it, fee v. 6. t. 693.