S A X I F R A G A ftellark
H a ir y S a x ifr a g e .
D E C A N D R I A Digynia.
Gen. Char. Cat. 5-cleft .P e t a l s 5. Cap/, with two
beaks, one-celled j fe e d s numerous.
Spec. Char. Leaves ferrated. Stem naked, branching.
Petals pointed.
S yn. Saxifraga ftellaris. L in n . Sp. P I. 572. H tidf. FL
A n . 179. W ith . B o t. A rr. 430.
Geum paluftre minus, foliis oblongis crenatis.
B a it S yn . 354.
T h e elegant genus of Saxifraga is almoft entirely alpine,
and moft of its fpecies can bear a confidetable degree of cold,
provided they enjoy a pure air. This now before us grows
plentifully in Wales, Scotland, and the northern parts of England,
efpecially JV'eftmoreland. Dr. Woodville favoured us
with frefh wild fpecimens gathered laft fummer on Skiddaw.
Its favourite ftation is in the black turfy margins of rills on the
north fides of mountains, near their fummits, where it flower?
in June or July.
The roots are perennial, long and fibrous, crowned with
flat ftellated tufts of obovate leaves, which are hairy above, paler
and fmooth, fometimes purple, beneath, pointed and grofs-
ly ferrated. Stalks from two to fix inches high, erect, round,
clothed with fcattered divaricating hairs, and fubdivided at the
top into a fort of corymbus of from 3 to 7 or 9 flowers, each-
on a partial foot-ftalk, at whofe bafe is a braftea, either palma-
ted or entire. Calyx reflexed. Petals fpreading, ovate, white
with 2 yellow fpots near the bafe. Stamina all nearly equal.
Antherae and germen purple. Capfule green, with a purple
ring near the bafe. In this fpecies and feme others the germen
is completely fuperior ; but there are others again where
it is partly, if not altogether, below the flower ; fo that this
circumftance of the fituation of the germen, fo important in
»oft orders of plants, is in this genus of no confequence.