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P Y R O L A rotundifolia.
Hound-leaved Winter-green.
DE C A N D R IA Monogyma.
Gen. Char. Cal. 5-cleft. Petals 5. Cap/. 5-celled,
burfting at the angles.
Spec. Char. Stamina pointing upwards, ftyle downwards.
Syn. Pyrola rotundifolia. Linn. Sp. PI. 567. Hud/.
FI. An. 175. W ith . Bot. A r r . 429.
Pyrola. R a ii Syn. 363.
E have already given the figures of two rare fpecies of
this pretty genus, and under the laft (t. 158) promifed as foon
as poifible to exhibit P. rotundifolia, which we are now enabled
to do by means of a fpecimen gathered by the accurate
and indefatigable Mr. Wigg, among bufhes on a common at,
Brad well not far from Yarmouth, where the plant grows fparing-
lv, and is elfewhere, even amongi ts favourite mountains of the
north, very rarely to be found. It flowers moftly about July,
and is perennial.
The root and leaves agree very much with thofe of P. minor,
except that the latter, as well as the flowers, are larger. The
calyx is longer, and more lanceolate, but the eflential difference
confifts in the ftamina being all bent, as if for fhelter,
towards the upper fide of the flower, while the ftyle (much
longer than that of P. minor) is curved downwards in as Angular
a manner, and again recurved to catch the pollen. The
ftigma terminates in five blunt tubercles.