A L L I U M vineale.
Crow Garlick.
HEXANDRIA Monogynia.
Gen. Char. Cor. inferior, of 6 spreading petals.
Spatha cloven, containing many flowers. Umbel
dense. Stigma simple.
Spec. Char. Umbel bearing bulbs. Leaves cylindrical.
Stamina three-pointed.
Syn. Allium vineale. L inn. Sp. P L 428. Sm. F I.
B r it. 359. Huds. 139. With. 333. H ull. 72.
ed. 2 .9 4 . Relh. 132. Sibih. 109. Abbot. 74.
A . sylvestre., R a il Syn. 369.
T h i s Garlick is found in dry fields, more particularly on a
calcareous soil, as well as about,old ruinous buildings, flowering
in July. Our specimen grew near Mackarel’s tower,
The root is a small, ovate, white bulb. Stem 2 feet high,
upright, slender, round, striated, leafy. Leaves long, tapering,
cylindrical, hollow, ribbed, smooth, fading before the
flowers come out. Umbel small, with abundance of little
ovate acute greenish bulbs, intermixed with a smaller number
of capillary smooth purplish flower-stalks, club-shaped at
the summit. Spatha pointed, deciduous. Petals closed, pale
rose-coloured with green keels. Stamens longer than the petals,
the capillary lateral extremities' of the 3 trifid ones longer
than the part which bears the anther, and spreading horizontally.
Germen somewhat pyramidal, with 3 lateral protuberances.
Style very short.