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[ 941 ]
POLYGONUM Convolvulus-
Climbing Buck-wheat.
OCTANDRtA Trlgynia.
Gen. Char. Cal. coloured, in 5 fegments, permanent.
Seed folitary, fuperior, angular, inveffed with the
calyx. Stam. and Piß. uncertain in number.
Spec. Char. Leaves heart-arrowfhaped. Stem twining,
angular. Segments of the calyx bluntly
S y n . Polygonum Convolvulus. Linn. Sp. PI. 522.
Srn. FI. Brit. 430. Hudf. i f It With. 385.
Hull. 86. Relb. 16 2 . Sibth. 1 3 1 . Abbot. 90.
Curt. Land. fafc. 4. t. 29.
Fegopyrum fcandens lylveftre. Rail Sy'n. 14 4 .
T h i s herb, commonly known by the name of the Black
Bindweed, perhaps from the dark colour of its feeds, is but
too frequent among Corn, as well as in gardens, hedges, ofier-
grounds, &c. flowering and feeding abundantly from June to
Root annual, fmall, and fibrous. Stem twifting round"
every thing in its way, and thus climbing to the height of 5
or 6 feet, angular, leafy, branching, often roughifh; when not
fupported it is procumbent and (hört, branching from the
bafe. Leaves alternate, on footftalks, arrow-fliaped approaching
to the form of a heart, entire, waved, fmooth, light-green.
Flowers in terminal interrupted fpikes, each on a little drooping
ftalk, whitifh with more or lefs of a reddifli tinge, the 3
outer fegments furnifhed with a broad flat (not dilated) keel.
Stamina generally 8, and ftigmas 3 ; but fometimes may be
found only 6 flamina and a pair of ftigmas. Seed triangular,
with concave tides.
Small birds are fond of the feeds, which, no doubt, poflefs
the fame nutritive qualities as thofe of P. Fagopyrum or Common
Buck-wheat, but are inferior in fize.