J U N C U S pilofus.
Hairy Rujh.
HEX AND R1A Monogynia.
Gen. Char. Cal. of 6 leaves, permanent. Cor. none.
Capf. fuperior, of 3 valves, with 1 or 3 cells. Seeds
feveral. Stigmas 3.
Spec. Char. Stem leafy. Leaves flat, hairy. Panicle
cymofe, divaricated. Flowers folitary.
Syn. Juncus pilofus. Linn. Sp. PI. 468 . Sm. FI.
Brit. 384. Hudf. 1 5 1 . With. 349. Hull. 76.
Relh. 14 5 . S ib th .i 15 . Abbot. 80. Curt. Land,
fafc. 3. t. 2 5. Dickf. H. Sicc.fafc. 14. 15 .
Gramen nemorofum hirfutum vulgare. Raii Sjyn.416.
F REQUENT in fliady groves and thickets, on broken banks
among dead leaves, and fimilar fituations, where it flowers in
March and April. The root is perennial, and throws out
creeping {hoots.
Stems near a foot high, round, polilhed, leafy. Leaves
linear-lanceolate, grafly, of a bright Alining green, pointed,
entire, fringed with diftant, long, foft, white hairs; the radical
ones are moft numerous and largeft. Panicle terminal, compound,
much branched in the manner of a cyme, the branches
widely fpreading, infomuch that the lower ones at length become
quite pendulous. Flowers folitary, each accompanied
by a pair of fheathing acute bra£teae. The lelves of the calyx
are lanceolate, pointed, dark-brown, bordered with white.
Stamina very fliort, with large fquare yellow antherae. Cap-
fule ovate, obtufe, of a pale yellowifh hue, which, contrafted
with the brown calyx, renders it confpicuous.
This rufli has not yet been applied to any agricultural or
ceconomieal ufe. Its tough dry herbage is not much relifhed
by cattle in general, though horfes will eat it 3 but its places of
growth are often fcarcely accefiible to them.