7 CERASTIUM latifolium.
B ro a d -lea v ed rough Chickweed.
D E C A N D E l A Pentagynla.
Gen. Chau. Cal. 5-leaved. Petals cloven. Capfule of
one cell, burfting at the top.
Spec. Char. Leaves elliptical, clothed with fhort
fpreading bridles. Flower-ftalks terminal, Ample,
moftly folitary. Capfule oval.
Syn. Ceraftium latifolium. Linn. Sp. P I. 629. Hudf.
202. With. 434. Ja cq . Coll. V. 1. 256. t. 20.
C. tomentofum. Hudf. ed. 1. 176 .
Alfine Myofotis lanuginofa Alpina grandiflora. Bait
Sjn. 349.
C e R A STIUM latifolium was fent from Wales and Scotland
along with C- alpinum, already defcribed under t. 472 : it
flowers at the fame time, and is perennial.
The (terns form tufts, but are (horter and more thickly fet
with leaves than in that fpecies; the leaves are broader and
more obtufe, clothed (conflantly as far as we have obferved) with
numerous (hort rigid fpreading briftly hairs, various in pofition
and diredtion, making a har(h kind of covering, quite different
from the filky hairs of C. alpinum. They are alfo in general
more thickly jointed. The flower-ftalks are terminal, moftly
folitary, Ample, often as long as the whole (tern, clothed with
glandular fpreading hairs, and frequently deftitute of bradteae.
The flowers differ but little from that fpecies. " It appears that
the Item is at length protruded beyond the infertion of the
flower-ftalk, and may occafionally bear an autumnal flower,
when the firft has ripened its feed. The capfule is oval, and
is not curved, (horter than that of C. alpinum.—We prefume
there is no doubt of this being the plant of Ray as above
quoted, though we have feen no original fpecimens. It ufed
to be referred, from Mr. Hudfon’s error, to the tomentofum of
Linnaeus, from which it differs widely.
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