O R N I T H O G A L U M pyrenaicum.
Spiked Star o f Bethlehem.
H E X A N D R I A Monogynia.
Gen. Char. Cor. of 6 petals, eredt, permanent, from
about the midway fpreading. Filaments alternately
broader at the bafe.
Spec. Char. Spike very long. Filaments all dilated.
Flower-flalks equal, fpreading, growing eredl as
the fruit ripens.
Syn. Ornithogalum pyrenaicum- Linn. Sp, P I. 440.
Hudf. 14 3 . With. 3 3 7 .,
O. anguftifolium majus, floribus ex albo virefcentibus.
R ail Syn. 3 7 2 .
I n paftures in the fouthern or midland counties, but
not frequent. This fpecimen was fent by the Rev. Thomas
Orlebar Marfh, F.L.S. from Keyfon Park wood, Bedford-
fliire, who alfo mentions this plant’s growing copioufly at
Eaton Socon in the fame county. Hitherto it has been met
with in Suflex and Somerfetfhire only. The flowers begin to
open in June, and continue through July.
Root an ovate bulb. Leaves long, linear, roundly channelled,
their tips foon withering. Stalk two feet or more
in height, ereCt, round, fmooth, Ample, terminated by an
upright Ample fpike of numerous greenifh unornamental
flowers, Handing on alternate fpreading flower-ftalks, each of
which is accompanied at its bafe by a lanceolate pointed
braCtea, about its own length. After flowering thefe ftalks
become more ereCt, and Anally prefled clofe to the main {balk;
the whole fpike is alfo by degrees greatly lengthened out, and
becomes a racemus, for nature has not very diftinCtly drawn a
line between the racemus and the /pica. The petals are of a
narrow elliptical flgure, permanent, contracting much in
breadth, and turning greener, as they dry. Stamina in our
fpecimens, as well as the Linnsean ones, all nearly of a breadth,
lanceolate, fuddenly contracting about their middle into a
fetaceous form. Germen obovate, furrowed. Style ftraight,
ihort, with a blunt fmall three-cleft ftigma.