ANTHERICUM ferotinum.
Mountain Spiderwort.
HEXANDRIA Monogynia,
Gen. Char. Cor. of 6 fpreading petals, permanent.
Filaments thread-fhaped. Capfule fuperior. Seeds
angular. Cal. none.
Spec. Char., Leaves femicylindrical; thofe on the
fiem dilated at their bafe. Stem moftly fingle-
Sy n . Anthericum ferotinum. Linn. Sp. P i. 444. Sm.
F I. B rit. 367. Hudf. 144. With. 339. Hull. 73.
Bulbofa alpina juncifolia, pericarpio unico eredto in
fummo cauliculo dodrantali. Rau Syn. 3 7 4 t
f r. _ _ _ _ _
n p
. ^ -dnthericum ferotinum, being found only on the moft
inacceffible alpine rocks of North Wales, has been feen bv
very few Bntith botanifts. Our fpecimen was communicated
in a freth ftate by J .W . Griffith, Efq. of Garn, a gentleman to
whom we are indebted for many valuable particulars concern-
mg the botany of his own fequeftered and romantic country, and
who nnds this plant in plenty on the rocks above the alpine
valley of Cwm Idwel, Carnarvonfhire*, flowering in June or
early m July, fo that the name ferotinum feems not verv
happily applied. I
The root is perennial, confifting of a {lender oblong curved
bulb, with many fibres at its bafe. Stem from 3 to 6 inches
high, lohtary, ereft, round, fmooth, leafy, generally Ample
and Angle-flowered, as Linnaeus defines i t ; but Mr. Griffith
has not unfrequently obferved it branched and bearing many
flowers. Radical leaves {lender, femicylindrical or angular
furmounting the ftem ; the reft alternate, fliort, dilated at their
bale. Flower terminal, ereft, compared by Dr. Richardfon
to that of Wood Sorrel (t. 763), which it at firft fight fome-
what refembles, the petals being white, externally veined
with purphfti red. Stamina thread-ffiaped, fmooth. Germen
lupenor, becoming at length an obtufe membranous three-
lobed capfule, crowned with the ftyle and invefted with the
withered petals, and divided into 3 cells, containing numerous
curved triangular ftriated feeds.
* See a Tour round North Wales, by the Rev. W. Bingley, publiihed
*000, voi. 1. 2,09«, 0 ' *