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S C I L L A verna.
Vernal Squill.
H E X A N D R I A Monogynta•
Gen. Char. Cor. of fix petals, fpreading, deciduous.
Filaments of equal thicknefs throughout.
Spec. Char. Root folid. Corymbus hemifphterical,
with few flowers. Braftete lanceolate, obtufe.
Leaves linear, channelled, numerous.
Syn. Scilla verna. Eudf. F I. An. 14 2 . With. Bot.
A rr. 348. Ait on Hort. Kew. V. 1 . 445.
S. bifolia. Lightf. F I. Scot. 18 1 . F I. Dan. t. 568.
Hyacinthus, No. I. fla ii Syn. 3 7 2 . (The fynonyms
T h i s is a maritime plant found, among rocks on the
weftern coafls of Wales, in the Ifle of Man, and in the Hebrides.
Our fpecimen was produced in the Mufeum garden,
under the care of Mr. Dickfon, from a bulb brought from the
weft of England. The plant appears in its wild ftate to be lefs
luxuriant. It flowers in April.
Mr. Hudfon firft proved this to be diftindl from the Linnaean
Scilla bifolia; but we cannot help thinking the fynonyms he has
cited belong rather to Scilla Italica Linn, though very like ours
at firft fight. It is not without reluctance we diflent from a
writer to whom the botany of England is fo very much obliged,
and whofe merit is belt known to thofe who have moft deeply
ftudied the fame fubjeet.