A L L I U M oleraceum.
Streaked Field Garlick.
H E X A N D R I A Monogyrita.
Gen. Char. Cor. in 6 fpreading fegments. Spatha
containing many flowers. Umbel denfe. Capfule
Spec. Char. Umbel bearing bulbs. Leaves rough,
channelled, ribbed beneath. Stamina Ample.
Spatha with two long points.
S y n . Allium oleraceum. Linn. Sp. P I. 429. Hudf.
140. With. 334.
A . lylveftre bicorne, flore ex herbaceo albicante,
cum triplici in flngulis petalis ftria atro-purpurea.
R a il Syn. 370.
T h i s wild fpecimen was gathered at Fincham, Norfolk, by
the Rev. Mr. Forby. We have received others from Weft-
moreland, and Ray found this fpecies in his parifh of Black
Notley, Eflex. It is perennial, flowering in July. This is
certainly the oleraceum of Linnseus, though fome have taken it
for his carinatumy a larger and diftinct kind.
Bulb the fize of a hazel nut. Stem round, flender, leafy,
near 2 feet high. Leaves fheathing at their bafe, a foot long,
narrow, dull green, flat or channelled above, convex and
ribbed beneath, appearing under a magnifier rough all over.
Umbel Ample, terminal, ereft. Spatha of two concave membranous
valves, each terminating in a long fpreading leaf-like
point, extending far beyond the flower-ftalks, which are flender,
divaricated, fingle-flowered, intermixed at their bafe with
numerous little ovate purple bulbs, which falling to the ground
become new plants, according to the bountiful provifion of
nature for this and many other fpecies of Allium, by which
they are propagated without end. Segments of the corolla
equal, ovate, greenifh white, with 3 purple lines. Stamina
Ample (not toothed), connedled by one common bafe. Ger-
men with 6 furrows, rough at the top. The whole herb has
the fcetor of garlick; the bulb has lefs of that fcent than
many others. It is a very troublefome weed, though fortunately
of rare occurrence.