[ 2 2 7 5 ] /i/'b
Gen. Char. Cal. 5-cleft. Petals 5. Caps, with 2
beaks, 1 cell, and many seeds.
Spec. Char. Leaves palmate, stalked; the uppermost
spatulate. Stem few-flowered. Root fibrous.
Germen half inferior.
S yn. Saxifraga rivularis. L inn. Sp. P I. 577. F I. Lapp,
n. 174. t. 2 . f . 7. ed. 2 . 142. Sm. F I. B rit. 454.
F I. Dan. t. 118.
.A. RARE inhabitant of alpine rills in the Highlands of Scotland,
specimens of which were communicated to Mr. Sowerby
by Mr. G. Don. It is perennial, flowering in June or July.
The root is fibrous and somewhat creeping. Stems decumbent
at the base, two or three inches high, scarcely branched
but at the bottom, bearing from two to five flowers, on stalks
that are slightly downy and viscid. Lower leaves on long
stalks, smooth and fleshy, palmate, in three or five rounded
lobes, of which the middle one is the largest; one or two ovate
or spatulate undivided leaves accompany the flowers. The
petals are white, single-ribbed, rounded, not much exceeding
the calyx, which is half inferior, surrounding the middle of
the capsule.