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S C I L L A autumnalis.
Autumnal Squill.
H E X A N D R I A Monogynia,
Gen. Char. Cor. of fix petals, fpreading, deciduous.
Filaments of equal thicknefs throughout.
Spec. Char. Leaves linear. Flowers fomewhat co-
rymbofe, ftanding on naked afcending flower-ftalks
about their own length.
Syn. Scilla autumnalis. Finn. Sp. P I. 443. Hudf.
F I. An. 242. With. Bot. A rr. 349.
Hyacinthus autumnalis minor. Rail Syn. 373.
N A T IV E of dry paftures in the fouthern parts of
England. The prefent fpecimen was obligingly communicated
from St. Vincent’s rocks, near the hot-well, Briftol, by Dr.
John Ford, F. L. S. Owing to the moifture of the prefent
autumn, 1792, it is more luxuriant than ufual. The plant
has formerly been found on feveral heaths near London, growing
among fhort grafs, and flowering in September, contrary
to.the nature of moft bulbous plants.
The bulb is coated like an onion. Leaves numerous, fpreading,
two or three inches long, linear, obtufe, channelled, fcarcely
filiform, though fo defcribed by Linnseus. Stalks fometimes more
than one, round, ftriated, erect, terminated by fix, ten, or even
twenty flowers in a corymbus, which is foon lengthened out
into a fpike. The partial flower-ftalks always point upwards,
and after flowering become prefled clofe to the principal one.
They are perfectly deftitute of braftese. The petals are prettily
variegated with blue and purple; the germen blue.