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A L L I U M Ampeloprasum,
Great Round-headed Garlick.
HEXANDRIA Monogynia.
Gen. Char. Cor. inferior, of 6 spreading petals,
Spatha cloven, containing many flowers. Umbel
dense. Stigma, simple.
Spec. Char. Umbel globose, without bulbs. Leaves
flat. Stamina three-pointed. Petals rough on the
Syn. Allium Ampeloprasum. L inn. Sp. P I. 423. Sm.
F I. B rit. 355. Huds. 138. With. 33?. Hull. 72,
A . Holmense, sphserico capite. R a il Syn. 370.
M r • WRIGHT, who in 1803 ascertained the Peeonia co-
rallina, t. 1513, to be a British plant, favoured us at the same
time with wild bulbs of this very rare species of Allium from
the island called Flat Holmes, in the Severn, where only, in
the British dominions, it has hitherto been observed to grow.
These bulbs, cultivated in a garden, have, for the last 2 years,
flowered well in the month of August. Each of them is about
the size and form of a common garden tulip-bulb.
The stem is solitary, 4 or 5 feet high, upright, simple,
round, smooth, leafy in the lower part. Leaves clasping the
stem with their long sheaths, 18 inches or 2 feet long,, flaccid,
flat, near an inch broad, tapering, acute; their margin, and
top of the keel, rough with minute teeth. Umbel solitary,
erect, large, globose, composed of innumerable flowers, on
longish, smooth, pale purple stalks, without any accompanying
bulbs, but intermixed with small narrow scales, Spatha
scarcely so long as the umbel. Petals ovate, acute, pale
purple, the 3 larger especially very rough on the keel. Stamina
broad, 3 of them strongly 3-pointed, the intermediate
ones simple. Antherae terminal, erect. Germen brownish,
ovate, furrowed, with 3 transverse prominences. Style white,
as long as the germen. The whole plant has a strong disagreeable
garlick smell. It is nearly allied to the Leek,
A , Porrum.