1. Z. tetraphylla (Michx.): perennial; leaflets 4, oblong or lanceolate ;
bracts glabrous, as long as the legumes, 5-nefved; legumes aculeate with re-
trorsely scabrous prickles.—Michx.! fl. 2. p. 76 ; Pursh, fl. 2. p. 484; Ell.
sfc. 2. p. 219; DC. prodr. 2. p. 317. Z. bracteata, Gmel. syst. p. 1096.
Anonymos bracteata, I f alt. Car. p. 181. Hedysarum tetraphyllum, Lam.
diet. 2. p. 405, not of Thunb.
Dry sandy soils, North Carolina! to Florida! and west to Texas ! June-
Aug.—“ Root somewhat cylindrical and tuberous.” Ell. Stems prostrate
and diffuse, 1—2 feet long. Leaflets 6—10 lines long, acute at each end;
those of the lowest leaves sometimes obovate. Racemes axillary much
longer than the leaves. 5-9-flowered, the flowers distant. Bracts broadly
ovate, nearly covering the flowers. Calyx much smaller than the corolla,
ciliate; upper lip strongly emarginate ; the lower with 3 acute teeth. Vexil-
lum reniform: wings broadly obovate, as long as the vexillum: keel-petals
cohering at the back, rather acute, somewhat longer than the wine's. Legume
about f of an inch long, 2-4-jointed. Seeds oval, light brown. Cotyledons
flattish. Radicle curved.
39. STYLOSANTHES. Sw a r tz , Lam. ill. t. 627; DC. prodr. 2. p. 317.
Flowers of two kinds intermixed ; the one kind complete but sterile; the
other achlamydeous and fertile. S terile F l. Calyx somewhat bilabiate,
with 2 bracteoles at the base; the tube very long and slender; upper lip 2-
cleft, the segments obtuse; lower lip with.3 acute segments. Corolla inserted
in the throat of the calyx ; vexillum very broad: keel cymbiform, small,
entire at the apex. Stamens monadelphous: anthers alternately linear and
ovate.' Ovary sessile, with 2-3 ovules, always sterile: style filiform, very
long: stigma capitate, minute, glabrous.-—F ertile fl. consisting of a sessile
ovary between 2 bracteoles, with 1-2 ovules : style short and recurved.
Legume 1-2-jointed; the upper joint acuminate and uncinate with the persistent
style; the lower usually abortive. Seeds ovate. Embryo curved or
sometimes nearly straight.—Small herbaceous or suffruticose plants. Stems
branched. Leaves pinnately trifoliolate; - Stipules adnate to the petiole.
Spikes terminal, imbricated with stipules and bracts.
Mr. Bentham, in a paper on the affinities of Arachis, read before the Linntean
Society in May, 1838, gives an account of the two kinds of flowers in Stylosanthes
and shows its affinity to Arachis, which he considers a genuine Hedysarea.
1. S. elatior (Swartz): herbaceous; stem erect or procumbent pubescent
on one side; leaflets lanceolate, glabrous; spikes few-flowered ; bracts
and uppermost leaflets lanceolate, spinulose-ciliate; leguiiie 2-jointed the
lower joint sterile and stipitiform.—Swartz, in act. Holm• 1789 t 11 ’f. 2
ex DC. prodr. 2. p. 318; Willql. sp. 3. p. 1167 ; Nutt. gen. 2. p. 106\ Ell.
sk. 2. p. 203. S. hispida, Michx.! Jl. 2. ®. 75, not of Richard. Arachis
aprica, Walt. Car. p. 182. Trifolium biflorum,Linn.
p. hispidissima (Michx.! 1. c .) : stem hispid; leaflets spinulose-ciliate.
Dry sandy soils, particularly in pine barrens, Long Island! to Florida!
west to Arkansas I p. Carolina, Michaux! Alabama, Dr. Gales ! June-
Aug.—Stems 6-12 inches' long, esespitose,with a broad pubescent line on
one side. Leaves on short petioles: leaflets about one. inch long, acute at
each end, mucronate, the veins beneath very prominent: upper leaves often
1-foliolate. Spikes 2-4-fiowered, one or two of the lowest flowers destitute cf
calyx, corolla and stamens. Ovary attenuated at the base, 2-ovuled. Lcgume
obovate or roundish, the lower joint abortive. Sterile flowers furnished
(as well as the fertile ones) with 2 lanceolate plumose bracteoles. Calyx
ciliate, much shorter than the corolla; the tube glabrous. Corolla orange-
yellow: vexillum twice as long as the other petals, retuse; wings obovate,
with a small tooth at the base of the limb : keel somewhat falcate, truncate
at the apex, Ovary at the bottom of the slender calyx-tube and falling off
with it.
Flowers of two kinds'? S terile fl. Calyx with 2 bracteoles at the base;
the tube very long and slender, the corolla inserted on its throat; limb 5-tooth-
ed, the lowest tooth longest and remote from the others. Vexillum roundish:
keel cymbiform, nearly as. long as the vexillum, bifid at the summit.
Stamens monadelphous, alternately longer; anthers all oblong and similar.
Ovary sessile, with 2-3 ovules, always sterile: style filiform, very long: stigma
capitate, minute, glabrous. F ertile fl . not seen.—Herbaceous. Stems
branched. Leaves unequally pinnate. Stipules small, free. Racemes terminal,
nearly naked.. Flowers small, yellow.
We dedicate thisfinteresting genus to our friend Dr. A. W. Chapman, an accurate
and indefatigable botanist, who has largely contributed to-our knowledge of the
plants of Middle Florida. Although we have not seen the fertile flowers or fruit,
there can be little doubt of its near affinity to Stylosanthes on the one hand and to
Arachis on the other.
C. Floridana.
Tampa Bay, East Florida, Dr. Burrows! Dr. Leavenworth! May.—
Stem 2-3 feet long, erect or somewhat assurgent, sulcate, hirsute and viscid,
particularly above. Leaflets 2-3 pairs, elliptical, oblong, mostly retuse, 8-14
lines long, nearly glabrous above, hairy, minutely scaly and of alight purplish
color beneath. Stipules very small, subulate, membranaceous. Racemes
few-flowered, somewhat paniculate. Flowers rather larger than in Stylosanthes
elatior, each with a small broadly ovate bract and 2 minute lanceolate
bracteoles at the base. Calyx hispid; the tubular base resembling a
slender pedicel. Petals nearly equal in length, the claws short: wings oblong,
scarcely toothed at- the base: keel-petals cohering at the back except
near the summit. Filaments monadelphous below, distinct above: anthers
large. Ovary oblong: style nearly straight, exserted.
41. iESCHYNOMENE. L in n .; Lam. ill. t. 629; DC. prodr. 2.p. 320;
W. Arh. prodr. Ind. Or. 1. p. 218.1
Calyx with 2 ovate deciduous bracteoles at the base, bilabiate; the upper
lip bifid or 2-toothed ; the lower trifid or 3-toothed. Corolla inserted into the
bottom of the calyx: vexillum roundish: wings oblong: keel cymbiform, 2-
parted at the base. Stamens equally diadelphous (5 & 5). Legume compressed,
straight, exserted, composed of many (rarely few) 1-seeded joints
which are usually square at both ends and easily separated from each other.
Seeds compressed.—Herbaceous or shrubby plants. Leaves unequally pinnate,
usually with numerous leaflets. Stipules semisagittate. Racemes axillary.
Flowers often yellow.