'i t
- Í:
A ‘ i
th e time of Charles Darwin. 56 pp. - F. E. Nipher: The law of contraction
of gaseous nebulae. 22 pp. — E. H. Keiser and S. W. Fo rd e r: A new method
for the determination of free lime, and on so-called dead b u rn t lime. 10 pp. -
B. F. Bnsh: A new genus of grasses. 2 pl. 9 pp. — J . A. H a rris : Polygamy
and certain floral abnormalities in Solanum. — The germination of Paohira,
with a note on th e names of two species. 3 pl. 25 pp.
Vol. XIV. 1904. M. J . Klem: A revision of th e palaeozoic Palaeechinoidea,
with a synopsis of all known species. 6 pl. 98 pp. — P. C. Baker: The
molluscan fauna of the Dells of Wisconsin. 7 pp. — Notes on Planorbis
tru n ca tu s Miles. 4 pp. — P. E. Nipher: Primitive conditions in the solar
nebula, 12 pp. - T. L. Casey: Notes on th e Plourotomidae with description
of some new genera and species. 48 pp. — B. F. Bnsh: The genus Othake
Raf. 10 pp. — The Texas Tradesoantias. 13 pp.
Vol. XV. 1905. L. IVittmack: Our present knowledge of ancient plants.
15 pp. - T. L. Casey: A revision of th e American Paederini. 232 pp. —
F. C. Baker: The molluscan fauna of McGregor, Iowa. 10 pp. — S. Weller:
Paraphorhynchus, a new genus of Kinderhook Braohiopoda. 1 pl. 7 flg.
6 pp. — W. C. G. K ireh u e r: The bacteriological examination of river water.
2 flg. 34 pp.
Vol. XVI. 1906. F. C. Bak er: Notes on a collection of mollusks from the
vicinity of Alpena, Michigan. 1 pl. 15 pp. — F. E. Nipher: On pressure
measurements in a fluid stream. 17 pp. — N. M. Gla tfe lte r: Preliminary
list of higher fungi collected in th e vicinity of St. Louis. Mo., from 1898 to
1905. 62 pp. — K. J . Terry: The nasal skeleton of Amblystoma punotatum.
(Linn.). 4 pl. 30 pp. - T. L. Casey: Observations on the Staphylinid groups
Aleocharinae and Xanthohnini, chiefly of America. 310 pp. — S. Weller:
Kinderhook faunal studies. IV. The fauna of th e Glen Park limestone.
2 pl. 37 pp. — B. ai. Dnggar: The relation of certain marine algae to
various salt solutions. 18 pp.
Vol. XVII. 1907. 0 . Widmanu: A preliminary catalog of the birds of Missouri.
288 pp.
Vol. XVIII. 1909. C. M. Woodward: Air ship propeller problems. 10 pp. - J . Hnr-
te r and J . K. Strecker J r . : The amphibians and reptiles of A rkansas. 18 pp. —
W. Trelease: The Mexican fiber agaves known as Zapupe. 6 pl. 10 pp. —
E. B. Branson: The fauna of the residuary Auburn Chert of Lincoln County,
Mo. 1 pl. 14 pp. - H .E . Ewing: New North American Acariña. 4 pl. 26 pp.
Vol. XIX. N°. 1 - 10. 1910. E. E. Nipher: On the nature of the electric discharge.
The one-fluid and the two-fluid theories. 18 pl. 35 pp. — P . Ran: Observations
on the duration of life, on copulation, and on oviposition in Samia
cecropia, Linn. 27 pp. — F. J . P h ilip s : Hail injury on forest trees. 8 pl.
8 pp. — J . K. Strecker J r . : Studies in North American Batrachology. Notes
on th e robber frog [Lithodytes latrans Cope]. 10 pp. - A. A lt: On the
histology of th e eye of Typhlotriton spelaeus from Marble Cave, Mo. 9 pl.
14 pp. - E. J . P a lm e r: Flora of the Grand Falls Chert Barrens. 16 pp. —
H. E. Ewing: New Acariña from India. 1 pl. 9 pp. ~ C. R. Keyes: The
Guadalupan series, and th e relations of its discovery to the existence of a
permian section in Missouri. 7 pp. — Abundance of meteorites on the
Painted desert, and its bearing upon the planetesimal hypothesis of the
origin of the earth. 20 pp. - C. H. T n rn er: Ecological notes on th e Cladocera
and Copepoda of Augusta, Georgia, with descriptions of new or little known
species. 3 pl. 26 pp.
California Academy of Sciences. Ad pag. 29. III.
Memoirs. In 4°.
Vol. III. 1903. R. Arnold: The paleontology and stratigraphy of tho marine
pliocene and pleistocene of San Pedro, California.
37 pl. 420 pp.
Vol IV, 1904. C. H. Gilbert and E. C. Starks; The fishes of the Panama bay.
33 pl. 304 pp.
Occasional Papers.
Vol. VII. 1900. S. J. Holmes: Synopsis of California stalk-oyed Crustaceae.
4 pl. 2 fig. 262 pp.
Vol. VIII. 1901. H. C. Pall: List on th e Coleóptera of southern California
with notes on habits and distribution and descriptions of new species.
282 pp.
Proceedings. Third Series.
B o ta n y . Vol. I. 1900. W. A. Cannon: A morphological study of the flower and
embryo of th e wild oat. Avena fatua. L. 5 pl. 28 pp.
Vol. II. 1900-1904. C. P. Noth: Nitophylla of California. Description and
distribution. 9 pl. 62 pp. - E. Summer Hjxbec: The development of the
Karyokinetio spindle in the pollen-mother-cells of Lavatera. 4 pl. 20 pp. -
6 . J . Peirce: Studies on the coast redwood, Sequoia sempervireiis Endl.
1 pl. 24 pp. - C. Purdy: A revision of the genus Caiochortus. 5 pl. 52 pp. —
S. B. Parish: A group of Western American Solanums. 3 pl. 14 pp. —
H. T. A. Hus: An account of the species of Porphyra found on the Pacific
coast of North America. 3 pl. 68 pp. - Alice Eastwood: Some new species
of Pacific coast ribes. 2 pl. 14 pp. - W. J. V. Osterhout: Cellstudies. I.
Spindle formation in Agave. 4 pl. 30 pp. - Alice Eastwood: New species
from the Sierra Nevada mountains of California. 10 pp. - G. J. Poircc: The
root-tubercles of bur clover [Medioago dentieulata Willd] and of some other
leguminous plants. 1 pl. 34 pp. — H. T. A. Hus: Spindle formation in the
pollen-mother-cells of Cassia tomentosa. L. 3 pl. 26 pp.
Geology. 3 Series. Vol. I. N ° .7 -1 0 . 1900-1904. J. P. Smith: The development
and phylogeny of Placenticeras. 5 pl. 60 pp. - F. Chapman: Eoraminifera
from the tertiary of California. 2 pl. 18 pp. - H. W. Turner: The pleistoceno
geology of tlie south central Sierra Nevada with especial reference to the
origin of Yosemite valley. 9 pl. 61 pp. — J. P. Smitli: The comparative
stratigraptiy of the marine trias of Western America. 10 pl. 108 pp.
Vol. II. N°. 1. 1902. F. M. Anderson: Cretaceous deposits of th e Pacific coast.
12 pl. 154 pp.
Mathematic-Physio. 3 Series. Vol. I. N°. 3 — 8. 1898 1903, L. E. Dickson:
Systems of simple groupes derived from tho orthogonal group. 29 pp. —
E. J. Wilczyuski: On an m n'- parameter group of linear substitutions in
mn variables. 4 pp. — G. Davidson: The apparent projection of sta rs upon
the bright limb of the moon at occultation, and similar phenomena a t total
solar eclipses, transits of Venus and Mercury, etc., etc. 40 pp. — R. T.
Crawford: Determination of the constant of refraction from observations
made with the Repsold meridian circle of the Lick observatory. 94 pp. —
M. W. Haskell; On curvilinear asymptotes. 4 pp.
Zoology. Vol. III. 1901 -1904. N. M. Stevens; Studies on ciliate infusoria.
Lienophora macfarlandi, sp. nov. Boveria subcylindrica. 6 pl. 42 pp. —