Livraison II. 1861. M. Hoek: Perturbations de Proserpine, dépendantes de la
première puissance de la masse perturbatrice de Jupiter.
VI + 94 pp.
M. Hoek et A. C. Ondemans: Recherches su r ia quantité d’éther contenue
dans les liquides. [Addition cà la Ire livraison des Recherches astronomiques
de l’Observatoire d’Utreoht].
1 pl. V III + 71 pp.
(La publication des „Recherches astronomiques” avait été suspendue depuis 1864.)
Vol. III. 1908. J. vau der Bilt: The variable sta r U. Geminorum.
29 pl. 115 pp.
Vol. IV. 1911. A. A. Nijland: Jupiter-Beobachtungen.
15 pl. 66 pp.
Vol. V. 1911. A. vau Maauen: The proper motions of 148 stars in and near
th e clusters h and / Persei.
99 pp.
Kaiserliche Universitäts-Sternwarte zu Jurjew (Dorpat). Ad pag. 9 7 7 . III.
Publikationen [vormals Beobachtungen].
Band XXL 1911.
Observatoire Central Mcolas. Poulkova. Ad pag. 976. III.
Serie II. Vol. YII. Livr. 1. 2 (1910. 1909); Vol. VIII, 1901; Vol. IX, Livr. 1 - 4 .
(1903-1904); Vol. X (190.3); Vol. XI (1898); Vol. X II (1901); Vol. X III (1903);
Vol. XIV (1905); Vol. XV (1910); Vol. XVI. Livr. 1. 2 (1907-1908); Vol. XVII.
Livr. 1. 2 (1903-1905); Vol. XVIII. Livr. 1 - 5 (1903. 1907-1909. 1911)-
Vol. XIX, 1911.
Supplement aux Observations de Poulkova.
I - m . 1891.
Observatoire d’Alger.
Catalogue photographique du Ciel. Paris, Gauthier-Villars, In 4°.
Coordonnées rectilignes. Introduction par C. Trépied. 1903. CXXXVI pp.
Tome V. Fasc. I. 1903.
Id. VI. Id. I. 1903.
Id. VII. Id. I. 1903.
Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. Ad pag. 974. III.
Vol. II, 1911; Vol. VIII. P a rt I. 1909; P a rt II. 1900; Vol. IX, 1903; Vol. X.
Spectroscopic researches. Pa rt I. 1911; Part. II. Appendix I, 1912; P a rt III,
1909; Vol. XI. Southern circumpolar researches. P a rt I. S. d.. P a rt II. S. d.
Vol. XII. Pa rt II. 1906; P a rt III. 1906; Pa rt IV. 1907.
Catalogue of 3007 stars for th e equinox 1890 0, from observations made at the
Royal Observator}', Cape of Good Hope, during the years 1885 to 1895,
under the direction of I). Gill. — V?ith appendices: I. Comparison with
other catalogues. — II. Meridian observations of „Canis Majoris”, „Canis
Minoris”, ß Centauri, a f and Centauri. - III. Positions of southern
circumpolar stars. 1898. In 4°.
X L III + 263 pp.
Results of Meridian observations of stars, made at the Royal Cbservatory,
Cape of Good Hope in the years 1900 to 1904: under the direction of
B. Gill. 1906. In 4°,
XXX + 274 pp.
Catalogue of stars for the equinox 1900-0 from observations made a t the
Royal Cbservatory, Cape of Good Plope, during the years 1900-1904 under
th e direction of B, Gill. 1906. In 4°.
X III + 123 pp,
A catalogue of 8560 astrographic standard stars between declinations - 40°
and - 52° for th e equinox 1900 from observations made at th e Royal
Cbservatory, Cape of Good Hope, during th e years 1896-99, under the
direction of D, Gill. - With appendices: I. Comparison with other catalog
gues and derivation of proper motions. - II. Mean declinations of 197
fundamental stars. HI. Catalogue of 134 miscellaneous stars. 1906. In 4°.
LIX + 403 pp.
Catalogue of 1680 stars for th e equinox 1900-0 from observations made at
th e Royal Cbservatory, Cape of Good Hope, during th e years 1905-1906,
under th e direction of D. GUI. W ith introduction by S. S. Hough. 1907
In 4°.
X II + 44 pp.
Independent Day-numbers for th e year 1901, as used at th e Royal Observatory,
Cape of Good Hope. London. 1898. In 8°.
14 pp.
Report of His Majesty’s Astronomer a t th e Cape of Good Hope to the Secreta
ry of th e Admiralty for the year 1903-1911. [1904-1912].
Transvaal Observatory Johannesburg.
Circulars. In 4°.
N°. I -X I I I . December 1909—Jan u a ry 1912.
Union Observatory Johannesburg.
Circulars. [Continuation of Transvaal Observatory Circulars. N°. 1 to 13,]
N°. I—III. October 1912-November 1912.
Dominion Astronomical Observatory Canada. Ottowa.
Report of th e Chief Astronomer. Ottowa. In 8°.
Year ending June 30, 1 9 0 5 -Ju n e 30, 1906. [1906-1907].
Year ending March 31, 1907-M a rch 31, 1909. [1908-1910].
Year ending March 31, 1910. Vol. I. 1912.
Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College, Cambridge U. S. A. Ad
pag. 709. I.
Vol. XLVI. P a rt II. 1904; Vol. XLVII. P a rt I. 1907; Id. P a rt II. 1912
Vol. XLVIII. 1903; Vol. XLIX. P a rt I. 1907; Id. P a rt II. 1908; Vol. L. 1908
Vol. LI. 1903; Vol. LII. P a rt I. 1907; Id. P a rt II. 1909; Vol. L III. 1905
Vol LVII. P a rt I. 1907; Id. P a rt II. 1908; Vol. LVIII. P a rt I. 1904
Id. P a rt II, 1906; Vol. LIX. 1912; Vol. LX. 1908; Vol. LXI. P a rt I
1908; Id. Pa rt II. 1909; Vol. LXII. P a rt I. 1907; Id. P a rt II. 1911
Vol. LXIII. P a rt I. 1912; Vol. LXIV. 1912; Vol. LXV. 1910; Vol. LXYI
1910; Vol. LXVII. 1912; Vol. LXVIII. P a rt I. 1909; Id. P a rt II. 1911
VoI . ’ l XIX. P a rt I. 1909; Vol. LXX. 1909; Vol, LXXI. N°. 1 en 2
Vol. LX X n . N°. 1. 2. 3. 1912.