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No. 27. 1910. A. Bergeat: La Granodiorita de Concepción del Oro en el Estado
de Zacatecas y sus formaciones do contacto. 9 pl. 15 flg. 109 pp.
„ 28. 1911. J. D. Tillarello: Las aguas subterráneas en el borde meridional
de la cuenca de Mexico. 13 pl. 80. pp.
J . S. Agraz: Informe sobre las aguas del Rio de la Magdalena. 9pp.
Department of Mines. Geological Survey of New South Wales. Sydney.
Ad pag. 776. III.
Annual Report of the Department of Mines. New South Wales for th e year
I. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of New South Wales.
A. Palaeontology.
No. 5. E. Etheridge Jr. and W. S. Dun: A monograph of the carboniferous
and permo-oarboniferous invertebrata.
Vol. I. Pelecypoda.
P a rt I. 1906. The Palaeopectens.
16 pl. IX + 39 pp.
P a rt II. 1910. Eurydesma.
10 [17-26] pl. IX + 36 [40-75] pp.
„ 8. P a rt II. 1891. R. Etheridge Jr.: Contributions to a Catalogue of works,
reports, and papers on th e anthropology, ethnology and geological
history of the Australian and Tasmanian aborigines. VII + 49 pp.
„ 10. 1908. A. S. Woodward: The fossil fishes of the Hawkesbury series at
St. Peter’s. 4 pl. 30 pp.
„ 11. 1902. R. Etheridge Jr.: A monograph of the cretaceous invertebrate
fauna. 11 pl. X III + 98 pp.
„ 13. E. Etheredge J r . : A monograph of the silurian and devonian corals
of New South Wales. With illustrations from other parts of A ustralia.
P a rt I. 1904. The genus Halysites.
9 pl. IX + 39 pp. '
P a rt II. 1907. The genus Tryplasma.
19 [10-28] pl. IX + 63 [40-102] pp.
„ 14. 1905. F. Chapman and W. Howchiii: A monograph of the Foraminifera
of the Permo-carboniferous limestones of New South Wales. 4 pl.
XVI + 22 pp.
B. Geology.
No. 1. 1887. T. W. Edgeworth David: Geology of the Vegetable creek tin mining
field, New England district. New South Wales. 10 pl. 12 fig. X + 169 pp.
„ 3. 1903. J . E. Carne: The Kerosena shale deposits of New South Wales.
26 pl. 11 oartes. XV + 333 pp.
„ 4. 1907. T. W. Edgeworth David: The geology of the Hu n te r River coal
measures, New South Wales. I. General geology, and development of
the Greta coal measures. 43 pl. 14 cartes. 70 fig. XX + 372 pp.
„ 6. 1908. J . E. Carne: Geology and mineral resources of the Western
coalfield. 37 pl. 8 oartes. 67 fig. XI + 264 pp.
E. F. Pittman: Problems of th e artesian water supply of Australia with special
reference to Prof. Gregory’s theory. 1908. 1 carte. 3 pl. 6 fig. 30 pp.
Records of tho Geological Survey of New South Wales.
Vol. VII. 1900-1904. G. W. Card: An eclogite bearing breccia from the
Bingara diamond field. 3 pl. 11 pp. — Nepheline basalt from the Caper-
tee Valley. 3 pp. — Mineralogical notes, No. 7. 4 pp. — H. P. White:
Chemical notes on glauoophane schists from Australia and New Caledonia.
2 pp. — T. S. Hall: The graptolites of New South Wales in th e collection
of the Geological Survey of New South Wales. 3 pl. 10 pp. — H. Deane:
Notes on fossil leaves from th e te rtia ry deposits of Wingello and Bungonia.
3 pl. 7 pp. — R. Etheridge Jr.: Palaeontologia novae cambriae meridionalis.
Occasional descriptions of Now South Wales fossils. 1 pl. 4 pp. — W. S. Dnn:
Notes on some large chonetine shells from th e carboniferous of New South
Wales. 2 pl. 3 pp. — Carboniferous brachiopods from Clarence Town, New
South Wales. 3 pl. 16 pp. — A. Smith Woodward: On Atherstonia au stralis
and Ctenolates avus, two new species of fossil fishes from New South
Wales. 1 pl. 3 pp. — W. S. Dun; Description of a now species of Productus
from the carboniferous system of New South Wales. 1 pl. 3 pp. — G. W. Card,
J. C. H. Mingaye and H. P. White: Analcite basalt, from near Sydney. 1 pl.
9 pp. — G. W. Card and J. B. Jaquet: The geology of the Cambewarra Range,
New South Wales, w ith especial reference to th e volcanic rocks. 4 pl. 3 fig.
40 pp. — E. C. Andrews: An outline of th e tertiary history of New En g land.
11 pl. 77 pp. — G. W. Card: Mineralogical notes. No. 8. 3 pl. 3 pp. —
J. C. H. Mingaye: Notes from the chemical laboratory. Department of Mines.
8 pp. — Notes on the occurrence of monazite in th e beach sands of th e Richmond
river. New South Wales. 4 pp. — J. C. H. Mingaye and H. P. White:
Notes and analyses of olivine basalt rooks from the Sydney district [No. 1].
5 pp. — H. Deane: Descriptions of two new plants from the tertiary of New
South Wales, Pteris abbreviata and Grevillea darlingioides. 2 pl. 2 pp. —
R. Etheridge Jr.: An unusually large form of Rhizophyllum, lately discovered
in New South Wales. 1 pl, 2 pp, - The fructification of Schizoneura australis,
Eth. fil. 2 pl. 2 pp. — G. W. Card: On th e occurence of nepheline in post-
triassic basalts of the Hawkesbury sandstone area. 3 pp. — E. C. Andrews:
A preliminary note on th e structure of M ount Lindsay. 1 pl. 3 pp. — M. Mor-
I’ison; Notes on some of th e dykes and volcanic necks of th e Sydney district,
with observations on th e Columnar Sandstone. 5 pl. 41 pp. — E. C. Andrews:
The geology of the New England Plateau, w ith special reference to th e granites
of Northern New England. P a rt I. Physiography. 2 pl. 20 pp. — J. C. H. Miu-
gaye and H. P. White: Analyses of leuoite basalts, etc., and olivine basalts
from New South Wales. 4 pp. — J. C. H. Mingaye: Notes on, and analyses of the
Mount Dyrring, Barraba, and Cowra meteorites. 2 pl. 7 pp. - H. P . White:
Notes and analyses of th e Mount Browne meteorite. 3 pp. — E. Etheridge Jr.:
Sub-reniform-ovate leaves of Glossopteris, with further remarks on the
attachment of its leaves. 2 pl. 4 pp. — W. S. Dun: Notes on some new
species of palaeozoic brachiopoda from New South Wales. 2 pl. 8 pp. —
R. Etheridge Jr. and 0 . Trickctt; The discovery of a human skeleton at
Jenolan Caves. 2 pl. 4 pp.
Vol. VIII. 1905-1909. J. B. Jaqnet, G. W. Card and L. F. Harper: The
geology of the Kiama-Jamberoo district. [Analyses by J. C. H. Mingaye and
H. P . White], 1 carte. 13 pl. 13 fig. 66 pp. — J. B. Jaqnet and L. F. Harper:
The geology of th e permo-carboniferous rocks in the south-eastern portion
of New South Wales. W'ith petrographical notes by G. W. Card. 3 pl. 2 fig.
27 pp. — L. F. Harper: The geology of the Gerringong district. 1 carte.