I f i
» '
No. 41. 1909. J. w . Fewkes: Antiquities of th e Mesa Verde National park
Spruoe-tree House. 21 pl. 39 fig. VIII + 57 pp.
No. 42. 1909. A. Ilrdlifka: Tuberculosis among certain Indian tribes of tlie
United States. 22 pl. 48 pp. '
No. 43. 1911. J. R- Swanton: Indian tribes of the Lower Mississippi valley and
adjacent coast of the Gulf of Mexico. 1 carte. 31 pl. 2 flg. VI + 387 pp.
No. 44. 1911. C. Xliomas and J. R. Swanton: Indian languages of Mexico and
Central America and their geographical distribution. 1 carte. VII + 108 pp.
No. 45. 1910. F. Dcnomorc: Chippew-a music. In 8°. 12 pl. 8 fig. VIII + 216 pp.
No. 46. Sous presse.
No. 47. 1912. J. 0 . Borsey and J. R. Swanton: A dictionary of the Biloxi and
Ofo languages, accompanied with 31 Biloxi tex ts and numerous Biloxi
phrases. 340 pp.
No. 48. 1909. D. I. Bushnell J r . : The Choctaw of Bayou Laoomb, St. Tammany
parish, Louisiana. 22 pl. 1 fig. V III + 35 pp.
No. 49. 1910. List of publications of the Bureau of American Ethnology with
Index to authors and titles. 32 pp.
No. 50. 1911. J. W. Fewkes: Preliminary report on a visit to the Navaho national
monument, Arizona. 22 pl. 3 fig. 35 pp.
No. 51. 1911. J. W. Fewkes: Antiquities of th e Mesa Verde National park, Cliff
Palace. 35 pl. 4 fig. 82 pp.
No. 52. 1912. A. Hrdlicka: In collaboration with W. H. Holmes, B. Willis,
F. E. Wright and C. N. Fenner. Early man in South America. 68 pl.
51 flg. XV + 405 pp.
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Association, ' The Anthropological Society of Washington, and
the American Ethnological Society of New York.
Vol. V I -X IV . 1904-1912.
Department of the Interior. Philippine Islands. Ethnological Survey [Division
of Ethnology, Bureau of Science] Manila. Ethnological Survey
Publications. Manila, Bureau o f Public Printing. In gr. 8 °.
Volume I. 1905. A. E. Jenks: The Bontoo Igorot. 154 pl. 9 fig. 266 pp.
Id. II. 1904. W. A. Feed: Negritos of Zamhales. 62 pl. 2 fig. 90 pp. —
0 . Scheerer: The Nabaloi dialect. 89 pp. - E. Y. Miller: The
Bataks of Palawan. 29 (63 - 91) pl. 6 fig. 18 pp.
Id. III. Épuisé.
Id. IV. 1905-1908. N. M. Saleeby: Studies in Moro history, law and religion.
16 pl. 5 diagr. 107 pp. - The history of Sulu. 4 cartes. 2 diagr. 284 pp.
Id. V. 1908. 0. Scheerer: The Batan dialect as a member of the Philippine
group of languages. 131 pp. — C. E. Conaiit: ,,E” and ,,V” in
Philippine languages. 9 pp. — W. C. Clapp; A vocabulary of the
Igorot language as spoken by the Bontok Igorots. Ig o ro t-E n g lish
and E n g lish -Ig o ro t. 121 pp.
Actes du douzième Congrès international des Orientalistes. Rome, 1899.
Ad pag. 1042. III.
Tome III. [le Partie]. 1902. Sections : Langues sémitiques et Monde muselman.
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Id. III. [H® Partie]. 1902. Sections: Mythologie et religions, linguistique
grèce et oriente. 263 pp.
Verhandlungen des XIII Internationalen Orientalisten-Kongresses Hamburg,
September 1902. Leiden, Buchhandlung und Druckerei vormals
E. J. Brill, 1904. In 8 °.
X III + 479 pp.
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E. Leroux. In 8 °.
I Partie. 1906. In d e -C h in e et Extrême Orient. - Grèce et Orient.
292 + 178 + 48 pp.
I I Id. 1907. Langues sémitiques. - Égypte. - Langues africaines. - Archéologie
africaine et Art musulman.
35 4- 218 + 394 + 90 pp.
II I Id. 1907. Langues muselmanes [Arabe, Persan et Turc].
605 pp.
II I Id. [Suite] 1908. Langues muselmanes [Arabe, Persan, Turc].
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Bamler, 0 . Notizen zur einer ethnographischen Sammlung von den Tamiinseln.
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