j - y 4 67. SCIENCES LÎIOI.ÜGIQIUCS. lüS'l'ÜllilC N.VTUliHI.LE lIN lV UK SIilJ.li
Kammer, A. Die statischen Organe der Tiere und rtlanzou.
Verh. u. Mitt. Siebenb. Ver. f. Naturw. Bd. 58.
Karras. Der Uebergang vom philosophisoheu zum naturwissenschaftlichen Zeitalter
in Preussen und sein Einfluss au f die Entwicklung der
höheren Schule.
Sohr. Natw. Verein. Kiel. Bd. 12.
Krasan, F. Monophyletisoh oder polyphyletisch.
Mit. Natw. Ver. Graz. Jg. 1905.
„ „ Ideales und Reales aus der Morphologie.
Mit. Natw. Ver. Graz. Jg. 1906.
Lawsou, A. A. Nuclear osmosis as a factor in mitosis.
Trans. Eoy. Soc. Edin. V. 48.
Maccallnm, A. B. On the origin of life on th e globo.
Tr. Canad. Inst. Toronto. V. 8.
Mackenzie, J. J. Human evolution and hum'an disease.
„ „ „ Ultra microscopic organisms.
Tr. Canad. Inst. Toronto. V. 8.
Paterson. Some anatomical problems bearing upon evolution.
Proc. & Transact. Liverpool Biol. Soo. Vol. 15.
Pearson, K. Mathematical contributions to th e theory of evolution. XI. On the
influence of n a tu ra l selection on the variability and correlation of
Royal Soc. London. Phil. Trans. A. Vol. 200. 1902.
„ „ Mathematical contributions to the theory of evolution. XII. On a
generalised theory of alternative inheritance, with special reference
to Mendel’s laws.
Royal Soo. London. Phil. Trans. A. Vol. 203. 1904.
Kecliiuger, K. Botanische und zoologische Ergebnisse einer wissenschaftlichen
Forschungsreise nach den Samoa-Inseln, dem Neuguinea-Archipel
und den Salomons-Inseln. I I Teil.
Denkschr. Wiener Akad. Bd. 84. 1909.
Renandet, G, L’imitation du protoplasme.
Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate. T. 19.
„ „ Une science nouvelle: La Plasmologie. État actuel; son rôle en
biologie générale, son avenir.
Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate. T. 21.
„ „ Contribution à Tétude de la plasmogénie.
Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate. T. 22.
„ „ L’évolition de la matière et la plasmogénie.
Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate. T. 25.
Senet, R. Classification des stigmates somatiques de dégénérescence d’après la
An. Mus. Nac. Buen. Aires. 3 S. T. 15.
Slater Jackson, F. The Canadian Marine Biological Station.
Canadian Ree. of Sciences Montreal. V. 8.
Ziegler, V. de. Zur Biologie der Mikroorganismen.
Mit. Ver. Luxemb. Naturfr. Vorm. Fauna. Bd. 10.
98. The complete works of Benjamin Franklin including his private
as well his official and scientific correspondence, and numerous
lettres and documents now for the first time printed, with many
others not included in any former collection also the unmutilated
and correct version of his autobiography. Compiled and
edited by John Bigelow. New York, (?. P. Putnams Sons. In 8 .
Ad pag. 768. I.
Vol. IV. 1887. Correspondance 1767 — 1772.
1 portrait. VII + 558 pp.
Id. V. 1887. Correspondance 1772-1775.
XV + 564 pp.
Id. VI. 1888. Correspondance 1776-1779.
XX + 485 pp.
Id. VII. 1888. Correspondance 1780-1782.
XXIV + 497 pp.
Id. VIII. 1888. Correspondance 1782-1784.
X IX + 522 pp.
Id. IX. 1888. Correspondance 1784-1788.
XXIV + 484 pp.
Id. X. 1888. Correspondance 1788-1790. With Supplement and Indexes.
XXXVIII + 448 pp.
108. Gardiner, J. S. The Fauna and Geography of the Maldive and
Laccadive Archipelagoes. Being the account of the work earned
on and of the collections made by an Expedition during the years
1899 and 1900. Cambridge, University Press, 1903. In 4°. Ad
pag. 1035. III.
Vol. I. 1903. 25 pl. 119 fig. IX + 471 pp.
Id. I I and Supplements I and II. 1906. 75 [26-100] pl. 35 [120-154] flg.
V III + 608 [472-1079] pp.
109 Harmer, S. F. and Shipley, A. E. The Cambridge Natural History.
London, Macmillan & Go. L I ; New York, The Macmillan Company.
Ad pag. 1035. III.
Vol. I. 1906. M. Havtog: Protozoa. - 1. R. J. Sollas: Porifera [Sponges]. —
S. J. Hickson: Coelenterata and Ctenophora. — E. W. MacRride:
296 flg XVII + 671 pp.
Id IV 1909. G. Smith and th e late W. F. R. Weldou; Crustacea. - H.
Woods: Trilobites. - A. E. Shipley : Introduction to Arachnida, and
Kingcrabs. - H. Woods: Eurypterida. - C. Warhui-ton: Scorpions,
Spiders, Mites, Ticks, etc. - A.E.Shipley: Tardigrada [Waterbears]. -
D’Arcy W. Thompson : Pycnogonida. - A. E. Shipley : Pentastomida.
287'flg. XVIII + 566 pp.
Id VII. 1904. S. F. Harmer: Hemichordata. - W. A. Herdman: Ascidians
and Amphioxus. - X. W. Bridge: Fislies [Exclusive of th e Systematic
account of Teleostei], - G. A. Ronlengcr: Fishes [Systematic
account of Teleostei].
440 flg. XVII + 760 pp.