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16. Kortholt, C. Viri Illustris Godefridi, Gnil. Leibnitii epistolae ad
diversos, theologici, juridici, medici, philosopliici, matliematici, hi-
stoiici et plnlologici arguraenti e msc. auctoris cum annotationibus
suis primum divulgavit Cliristian Kortholtus. A. M. ordinis philo-
sophiei in Academia Lipsiensi Assesor, et Collegii, minoris principum
Collegiatus. Lipsiae, B. G. Breitkopfii. In 8 °.
Tome I. 1734. 1 portrait de Leibnitz. 476 pp.
„ II. 1734. Que res mathematioae et philosophicae praocipae philosophia
sinica data opera pertractantur. 504 pp.
„ III. 1733. 476 pp.
„ IV. 1742. Edidit et disputationem de philosophia Leibnitii Christianae
Religioni baud perniciosas. 416 pp.
1. Dioscnrides. Codex Aniciae lulianae pictures illustratis, nunc Vindobouensis
Med. Gr. 1. phototypice editus, Moderante losepho de Ka-
rabacek. Bililiothecae Palatinae Yindobonensis Praefecto praefati
sunt Antonius de Preinerstein, Carolus AA’essely, losepliiis Mantuani.
Accedit taliula lithographica. Lugduni Batavorum, A. W. Sijthoff,
1906. In Fol.
Pars Prior, qua praefatio et codices folia 1 - 203 continentur.
284 col. 203 pl. r. 203 pl. v.
Pars Altera qua oodicis folia. 204 pi, r . - 491 pl. v. continentur.
2. Miniaturen der lateinischen Galenos-Handschrift der Kgl. Oeffentl.
Bibliothek in Dresden. Db. 92—9-3 in phototypischer Reproduktion.
Einleitung und Beschreibung von E. C. van Leersnni und W. Martin.
Leiden, A. W. S y thoff’s Uitgevers Maatschajjpij, 1910. In Fol.
21 pl. XXXVII pp.
3. An account of the Baiujuet given by the Saint Nicholas Society of
the City of New-York, on the occa.sion of the visit of the Netherlands
Frigate „Prins van Oranje” at New-York, May 1852. Prepared
and published by order of the Society, 1852. In 8 °.
1 frontispice. 1 carte. 63 pp.
4. Saint Nicholas Society of the City of New-York. Record of the Dinner
given in Honor of the Offlcirs of H. N. M. Frigate „Van Speyk”.
May 1893. Published by the Society. In 8 °.
60 pp.
i .