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Bean, T. H. Description of a new species of star gazer [Cathetostoma albigutta]
from th e Gulf of Mexico.
„ „ „ Notes on fishes collected in Mexico, with descriptions of now species.
Algansea dugèsi, etc.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 15.
„ „ „ Description of a new blennioid fish from California.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 16.
„ „ „ Description of a new species of rockflsh, Sebastichthys brevispinis
from Alaska.
„ „ „ Description of a new species of fish, Bleekeria Gilli.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 17.
Bean, T. H. and Bean, B. A. Description of Gobioides broussoneti; a fish new
to North America, from the Gulf of Mexico.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 17.
Bean, T. H. and Dresel, H. G. A catalogue of fishes received from the Public
Museum of the In stitu te of Jamaica, w ith descriptions of Pristipoma
approximans and Tylosurus euryops, two new species.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 7.
Berg, 1 . A review of the Cobitoid fishes of th e basin of the Amur.
„ „ A review of the species of the tenspined sticklebacks or Pygosteus
from East Asia.
Proc. TJ. S. Nat. Mus. V. 32.
Bishop, W. I . Eels in water pipes and th eir migration.
Proc. & Transact. Nova Scotian Inst, of So. V. 11.
Bollman, C. H. Notes on a collection of fishes from th e Escambia River, with
description of a new species of Zygonectes [Zygonéotes escambiae].
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 9.
Bonlcnger, G. A. Catalogue des poissons du Congo du Musée d’Histoire naturelle
de Luxembourg. Faune du Sankuru [affluent du Kasaï, Bas-
Congo] à Kondué [Collection E. Luja].
Mit. Ver. Luxemb. Naturfr. Vorm. Fauna. Bd. 19.
„ „ „ Poisson Cyprinodonte nouveau du Bas-Congo.
Mit. Ver. Luxemb. Naturfr. Vorm. Fauna. Bd. 20.
„ „ „ Liste des poissons de la rivière Sankuru [Kasaï].
Mit. Ver. Luxemb. Naturfr. Vormals Fauna. Bd. 21.
Clark, H. L. The starfishes of the genus Heliaster.
„ „ „ The Cidaridae.
Bul. Harv. Mus. Comp. Zool. No. 51.
Cole, F. J. Monograph on th e Myxinoids: P a rt IV. On some peculiarities of the
branchial vessels of myxine.
Trans. Eoy. Soo. Edin. V. 48.
Collett, R, Meddelelser om Norges fiske i aareno 1884-1901. [3die Hoved-
Supplement til „Norges Fiske”]. I.
Vidensk. Selsk. Christiania. Forhandl. 1902.
„ „ Meddelelser om Norges fiske i aarene 1884-1901, [3die Hoved-
Supplement til „Norges Fiske”]. II.
Vidensk. Selsk. Christiania. Forhandl. 1903.
Collett, B. Diagnoses of four hitherto undescribed fishes from th e depths south
of the Faroe Islands.
Vidensk. Selsk. Christiania. Forhandl. 1904.
„ „ Meddelelser om Norges fiske i aarene 1884 — 1901. [3die Hoved-Supplement
til „Norges Fiske”]. III.
Vidensk. Selsk. Christiania. Forhandl. 1905.
„ Om fern for Norges fauna nye fiske. [1897-1900].
Aroh. f. Math, og Natw. B. 23.
Om tre for Norges fauna nye fiske fra „Michael Sars” to forste
togter i 1900 og 1901.
Aroh. f. Math, og Natw. B. 25.
DarMsliire, 0 . V. Chondrus.
Proc. & Transact. Liverpool. Biol. Soo. V. 16.
Dean, B. Notes on Japanese Myxinoids. A new genus Paramyxine and a new
species Homea Okinoseana. Reference also to th eir eggs,
„ „ Notes on Chimaera. Two Japanese species. C. Phan tasma Jordan and
Snijder, and C. Mitsukurii, n. sp., and their egg cases.
„ „ Notes on the long snouted Chimaeroid of Japan, Rhinochimaera [Harriotta].
Pacifica [Garman], Mitsukurii.
Journ. Coll. of Science. Imp. University. Tokyo. V. 19.
Delfln, F. Ï . Nota de iotiolojía. El nuevo género Cilus.
Actes Soc. sc. de Chili. T. 10.
Dresel, H. G. Notes on some Greenland fishes.
Description of a new species of flounder, Citharichthys rnacrops,
from Pensacola, Florida.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 7.
Duges, A. Gambusia infans Woolman.
Soo. Cient. Ant. Alzate. T. 17.
„ „ Rôle des nageoires chez les poissons.
' Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate. T. 22.
Eastman, C. R. Descriptions of Bolca-flshes.
Bul. Harv. Mus. Comp. Zool. N. 46.
„ „ „ Structure and relations of Mylostoma.
„ „ „ Shark’s tee th and Cetacean bones.
„ „ „ Mylostomid dentition.
Bul. Harv. Mus. Comp. Zool. No. 50.
Eigeiimann, C. H. Description of a new species of Ophichthys [Ophichthys retropinnis]
from Pensacola, Florida.
Proc. D. S. Nat. Mus. V. 10.
The fishes of San Diego, California.
On tho ooourenoe of th e spinyboxfish [genus Chilomycterus]
on the coast of California.
91 99
99 99
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 15.
„ „ Catalogue of th e freshwater fishes of Central Amerika and
southern Mexico.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 16.
„ „ The Poeciliid fishes of Rio Grande do Sul and the La P lata Basin.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 32.
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