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Gill, T. The proper names of Bdellostoma or Heptatrema.
Proe. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 23.
„ „ Note on the fish genera named Macrodon.
On some flsh genera of the first edition of Cuvier’s „Rogue auimal”
and Oken’s names.
„ „ On some neglected genera of fishes.
„ Oa the relations of the fishes of tho family Lamprididae or opahs.
„ „ The use of tho name Torpedo for the electric catfish.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 26.
„ „ Lahracinus the proper name for the fish genus Cichlops.
„ „ Note on the genera or Synanceine and Pelorine fishes.
„ „ Note on the genus Prionurus or Acanthocaulos.
„ „ Ou the generic characteristics of Prionotus Stearnii.
„ „ On the systematic relations of th e Ammodytoid fishes.
„ „ The life history of the seahorses [Hippocampids],
The scorpaenoid fish Neosebastes entaxis, as th e type of a distinct gciius.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 28.
„ „ Choerodon in place of Choerops for a labroid genus of fishes.
Proc. 0 . S. Nat. Mus. Y. 35.
„ „ Notes on the structure and habits of tho wolffishes.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 39.
Gill, T. aud Ryder, J. A. Diagnoses of new genera of Nemichthyoid eels.
^ „ „ On th e anatomy and relations of the Eurypharyngidao.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 6.
„ On the lite ratu re and systematic relations of tho
Sacoopharyngoid fishes.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 7.
Goode, G. B. The generio names Amitra and Thyris replaced.
Proo. D. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 6.
Goode, G. B. and Bean, T. H. A list of the species of fishes recorded as oocuring
in the Gulf of Mexico.
„ „ „ „ Descriptions of twenty-five new species of fish
from the Southern United States, and three new genera Lotharclius,
loglossus and Chriodorus.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 5.
„ „ „ „ „ „ „ Notes on some Florida fishes.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 7.
„ „ „ „ On the American fishes in the Linnaean collection.
„ „ „ Description of Leptophidium cervinum and L. marmoratum,
new fishes from deep water of the A tlantic and Gulf coasts.
„ „ „ „ „ „ „ Descriptions of new fishes obtained by the U. S.
Pish commission mainly from deepwater of th e Atlantic and Gulf
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 8.
„ „ „ On Cetomimidae and Rondeletiidae, two now
families of Bathyhial fishes from the northwestern Atlantic.
„ „ „ „ „ A revision of th e order Heterorai, deep-sea fishes,
with a description of the new generic types Maedonaldia and Lipogenys.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 17.
Goode, G. B. aud Bcaii, T. H. On Harriotta, a new type of chimaeroid fish from
th e deeper waters of nortwestern Atlantic.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 17.
Gorouowllscli, N. Untersuchungen über die erste Anlago dor Kranialnerveu
bei Salmo fario.
Boo. Imp. Nat. Moso. T. 16. 1905.
Giidger, E. W. Tho breeding habits and tlio segmentation of th e egg of the
pipefish, Siphostoma floridae.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 29.
lla tta , S. Contributions to the morphology of Cyclostomata. II. The dovolopmont
of Pronephros and segmental duct in Petromyzon.
Journ. Coll. of Science. Imp. Univorsity Tokyo. Y. 13.
Hay, 0 . r . Notes on a collection of fishes from Florida, with dosoriptions ol
new or little-known species.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 8.
„ A contribution to the knowledge of tho fishes of Kansas.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 10.
Ucatli, II. Tho anatomy of Epidella squamula, sp. nov.
Proo. Calif. Ac. Sc. 3 S. V. 3.
iloffuiaun, C. K. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Sympatlucus. I. Dio E n twicklungsgeschichte
des Sympatlucus bei den Selachiorii [Acaii-
thias vulgaris].
Yerh. K. Ak. Wet. Amsterdam. 2 Sect. Dl. 7. 1901.
Jenkins, 0 . P . and Evermann, B. W. Notes on Indiana fishes.
, „ Description of eighteen now species of
fishes from the Gulf of California.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 11.
Jord an , D. S. Notes on a collection of fishes from Pensacola, Florida, obtained by
S. Stearns, with descriptions of two new species, Exocoetus volador
and Gnathypops mystacinus.
„ Note on Aeluriohthys eydouxii and Poriohthys porosissimus.
” List of fishes collected et Key West, Florida, with notes and
„ An identification of th e figures of fishes in Catesby’s Natural History
of Carolina, Florida and th e Bahama islands.
„ Notes on fishes oolieoted at Guaymas, Mexico, with a description
of Gobiosoma histrio, two new species.
„ List of fishes collected in the vicinity of New Orleans by R. W.
„ List of fishes collected in Lake Jessup and Indian River, Fla, with
descriptions of two new species.
„ Descriptions of four new species. of Poecilichthys m the U. S.
National Museum.
,, ,, ,, Supplementary notes on North American fishes.
„ Description of a new species of Hybognathus [Hybognathus Hayi]
from Mississippi.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 7.
„ Note on the scientific name of the yellow perch, th e striped bass
and other North American fishes.
Proo. Ü. S. Nat. Mus. V. 8.
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