■' ;ì
' 1
i n
J :
No. 460.
, 479.
, 480.
, 481.
, 482.
„ 483,
„ 484,
56. G ÉO LO G IE
1911. R. B. Marshall: Results of spirit leveling in Iowa, 1896 to
1909 inclusive. 1 pl. 32 pp.
1911. R. B. Marshall: Results of spirit leveling in Michigan and
Wisconsin 1897 to 1909 inclusive. 1 pl. 64 pp.
1911. R. B. Marshall: Results of spirit leveling in Oregon 1896 to
1910 inclusive. 1 pl. 82 pp.
1911. R. B. Marshall: Results of spirit leveling in Arizona, 1899 to
1909 inclusive. 1 pl. 94 pp.
1911. R. B. Marshall: Results of spirit leveling in New Mexio, 1902
to 1909 inclusive. 1 pl. 53 pp.
1911. C. TV. Hayes: The State geological surveys of the United States.
177 pp.
1911. R. B. Marshall: Retracement of the boundery line between
Idaho and Washington. From the junction of Snake and Clearwater
rivers northward to the international boundery. 1 carte. 6 pl. 1 fig. 39 pp.
1911. TV. TV. Atwood: Geology and mineral resources of parts of the
Alaska Peninsula. 1 carte. 13 pl. 18 flg. 137 pp.
1911. R. B. Marshall: Results of spirit leveling in Texas. 1896 to
1910 inclusive. 1 pl. 133 pp.
, 1911. R. B. Marshall: Results of spirit leveling in North Dakota,
1897 to 1910 inclusive. 1 pl. 23 pp.
1911. C. TV. Hayes and TV. Lindgren: Contributions to Economic
geology [Short papers and preliminary reports]. 1910. P a rt I. Metals
and nonmetals except fuels]. 17 pl. 64 fig. 558 pp.
. 1911. R. B. M.wshall: Results of spirit leveling in South Dakota,
1896 to 1910 inclusive. 1 pl. 54 pp.
1911. R. B. Marshall: Results of spirit leveling in Kansas and
Nebraska, 1896 to 1909 inclusive. 1 pl. 42 pp.
1911. E. Eggleston Smith: Coals of the State of Washington. 8pl.206pp.
1911. J. E. Gilpin and 0 . E. Brausky: The diffusion of crude petroleum
through fuller’s earth w ith notes on its geologic significance. 7 fig. 50 pp.
1911. R. B. Marshall: Results of spirit leveling in Ohio. 1909 and 1910.
1 pl. 79 pp.
E. B. Marshall : Results of spirit leveling in west Virginia. 1909 and
1910. 1 pl. 54 pp.
1911. .1. B. Irving and H. Bancroft: Geology and ore deposits near
Lake City', Colorado. 8 pl. 33 flg. 128 pp.
1911. C. Pa lm e r: The geochemical interpretation of water analyses.
1 pl. 31 pp.
1911. A. H. Brooks and others: Mineral resources of Alaska. Report
on progress of investigations in 1910. 1 carte. 12 pl. 19 fig. 333 pp.
1912. R. B. Marshall: Results of spirit leveling in California. 1907
to 1910 inclusive. 1 pl. 115 pp.
1911. R. B. Marshall: Results of spirit leveling in Montana. 1896 to
1910 inclusive. 1 pl. 154 pp.
, 1911. N. H. Darton: Economic geology of Richmond, Virginia, and
vicinity. 10 pl. 1 fig. 48 pp.
, 1911. T. N. Dale and H. E. Gregory: The granites of Connecticut.
7 pl. 12 fig. 137 pp.
. 1912. G. C. Martin and F. J . Katz: A geologic reconnaissance of the
Iliamna region, Alaska. 2 cartes. 7 pl. 20 fig. 138 pp.
55. G EO LO G IE 481
No. 486
„ 487
„ 488,
„ 489,
„ 490.
„ 491.
„ 492.
„ 493,
.. 494,
„ 495.
„ 496.
„ 497,
„ 500.
„ 504.
„ 505.
„ 507.
„ 508.
„ 509.
„ 511.
„ 512.
., 516.
„ 517.
1911. R. B. Marshall: Results of spirit leveling in Colorado 1896 to
1910 inclusive. 1 pl. 107 pp.
1911. R. B. Marshall: Results of spirit leveling in Idaho. 1896 to
1909 inclusive. 1 pl. 46 pp.
1911. R. B. Marshal): Results of spirit leveling in Nevada. 1897 to
1909 inclusive. 1 pl. 28 pp,
1911. R. M. Marshall: Results of spirit leveling in Utah. 1897 to 1910
inclusive. 1 pl. 38 pp.
1911. TV. T. Sch a lle r; Mineralogical notes. Series I. 14 fig. 109 pp.
1911. F. TV. Clarke: The data of Geochemistry. Second Edition. 782 pp.
1912, G. F. Loiighlin: The Gabbros and associated rooks, a t Preston,
Connecticut. 4 cartes. 10 pl. 18 fig. 158 pp.
1911. R. B. Marsh.all: Results of spirit leveling in Illinois. 1909 and
1910. 1 pl. 115 pp.
1912. M. L. F n lle r: The New Madrid earth quake. 10 pl. 18 fig. 119 pp.
1911. J. M. Nickles: Bibliography of North American geology for
1910, with subject index, 179 pp.
1912. B. B. Marshall: Results of triangulation and primary traverse
for th e years 1909 and 1910. 2 pl. 392 pp.
1912. F. C. Schrader; A reconnaissance of th e Jarbidge, Contact and
Elk Mountain mining districts. Elko county, Nevada. 26 pl. 3 fig.
162 pp.
1912. F. H. Mofflt: Headwater and regions of Gulkana and Susitna
rivers Alaska. With accounts of the Valdez creek and Chistochina
placer districts. 3 oartes. 7 pl. 9 fig. 82 pp.
1912. E. TV. Stone: Goal near th e Black Hills. Wyoming, South
Dakota. 7 pl. 8 flg. 66 pp.
1912. G. C. Martin and F. .1. Katz: Geology and coal fields of the
Lower Matanuska Valley, Alaska. 4 oartes. 15 pl. 12 flg, 98 pp.
1912. A. Knopf: The Sitka mining district, Alaska. 1 pl. 4 fig. 32 pp.
1911, Mining laws of Australia and New Zeeland. By A. C. Veatch,
with a preface by TV. L. Fi,sher. 180 pp.
1912, J. A. Udden; Geology and mineral resources of th e Peoria
quadrangle, Illinois. 2 cartes. 7 pl. 16 fig. 103 pp.
1912. J. M. Hill: The mining districts of th e Western United States.
With a geologic introduction by TV. Lindgren. 16 pl, 1 fig. 309 pp.
1912. E. M. Kindle: The Onondaga fauna of th e Allegheny region.
13 pl. 116 pp.
1912. TV. P. Schaller: Mineralogical notes. Series II. 1 pl. 1 fig.
115 pp.
1912. B. S. Butler and H. S. Gale: Alunite, a newly discovered
deposit near Marysvale, Utah. 3 pi. 64 pp.
1912. A. R. Schultz and TV. Cross : Potash-bearing rooks of the Leuoite
Hills. Sweetwater county, Wyoming. 1 pl. 9 flg. 39 pp.
1912. R. B. Marshall: Results of spirit leveling in Florida. 1911.
1 pl. 23 pp.
1911. R. B. Marshall: Results of spirit leveling in Alabama. 1911.
1 pl. 38 pp.
New Series. No. 2. 1912. The Publications of th e United States Geological
Survey. [Not including Topographic maps], 116 pp.