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15. Carus, J . Y. Prodromus Fauna Mediterraneae, etc. Ad. pag. 199. I.
Vol. I. 1885. Coelentora, Echinodermata, Vermes, Arthropoda.
X + 524 pp.
Id. II. 1889—1893. Brachiostomata. Mollusca, Tunicata, Vertebrata.
IX + 854 pp.
■ A
26. Zoology of Egypt. Ad. pag. 385. III.
Vol. II. 1902. J. Anderson: (The Late). Revised and completed b y TV. E. de
TVinton: Mammalia.
1 portrait. 1 carte. 66 pl. 7 fig. XVII + 374 pp.
Id. III. 1907. G. A. Boulenger: The Pishes of the Nile.
Introduction. 5 pl. 2 cartes, 29 flg. LI pp. 41 flg. 578 pp.
Atlas 97 pl.
28. Biología Centrali-America; or, contributions to tbe knowledge of tbe
Fauna and Flora of Mexico and Central America. Ad pag. 1047. III.
II. Pannes.
Aves. Vol. III. 1897-1904. 0 . Salvin and F. D. Godman: Aves.
IV + 510 pp.
Vol. IV. 1879-1904. 0 . Salvin and F. D, Godman.
17 [63-79] pl. VII pp.
Reptilia and Batrachia. 1885=1902. A .C . E . G . G ü n t h e r : Reptilia and Batrachia.
76 pl. XX + 326 pp.
Pisces. 1906-1908 C. Tate Regan; Pisces.
2 cartes. 26 pl. XXXII + 203 pp.
Terrestrial and Fluviatile Mollusca. 1890— 1901. E. von Martens: Land- and
Freshwater Mollusca.
44 pl. XXVIII + 706 pp.
Arachnida Araneidea and Opiliones. Vol. II. 1897—1905. P. 0 . Pick.ard—C.am-
bridgc: Arachnida Araneidea and Opiliones.
54 pl. X + 610 pp.
Arachnida Aoaridae. 1886—1893. 0 . Stoll: Arachnida Acavidae.
21 pl. XXI + 55 p l
Coleóptera. Vol. II. Part. 1.1887—1905. 1) . Sharp: Psolaphidae, otc. A. Matthews:
Silphadae, etc. G. lew is : Histeridae.
19 pl. X II + 717 pp.
Vol IV. Part. 3. 1889 — 1911. I). Sharp and G. C. Cliampion: Rynchophora,
Curoulionidae, Attelabinae, Pterocolinae, Allocoryninao, Apioninae,
Thecesterninae, Otiorhynohinae.
15 p l, VI + 354 pp.
Vol IV. Part. 4. 1902—1906. G. C. Champion: Rynchophora, Curoulionidae,
Curculioninae [part.].
35 pl. VII + 750 pp.
Vol. IV. P a rt 5. 1906-1909. G. C. Champion: Rynchophora. Curculionidao.
Curculioninae [continued].
23 p l V III + 513 pp.
Vol IV. P a rt 6. 1895-1907. D. Sharp: Brenthidae. — TV. F. H. Blandford:
Scolytidae. — K. Jordan; Anthribidae.
14 pl. VI + 396 pp.
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