Lepidoptera from Mexico, 45 pp. - A. H. Clark: A new Australian crinoid.
2 pp. - E. C. Starks and W. F. Tlioiiipsou: A review of the flounders
belonging to the genus Pleuronichthys. 2 fig. 11 pp. — T. D. A. Cockerell:
The North American bees of th e gonus Nomia 10 pp. — 0 . C. Embody:
A new fresh water amphipod from Virginia, with some notes on its
biology. 17 fig. 7 pp. - 0 . P. Hay: Descriptions of 8 new species of fossil
tu rtle s from west of the 100th meridian. 3 pl. 23 flg. 20 pp. B. W. Ercr-
manii and Vf. C. Kendall: A comparison of th e chub-mackerels of the
Atlantic and Pacific oceans. 2 pp. — A. H. Clark: A new European crinoid.
5 pp. — R» Vf. Sharpe: On some Ostracoda, mostly new, in the collection
of th e U. S. Nat. Museum 5 flg. 7 pp. - D. G. Elliot: Descriptions of some
new species of monkeys of the genera Pithecus and Py g a th rix collected by
Vi. L. Abbott and presented to the U. S. Nat. Museum. 10 pp. — J. A.
Grossbeek: Studies of th e North American geometrid moths of th e genus
Pero. 4 pl. 19 pp. — H. L. Viereek; Descriptions of new species of ichneumon
flies. 3 flg. 6 pp. — G. S. Jliller Jr.: A new carnivore from China.
1 pl. 2 pp. — Descriptions of 2 new genera and 16 new species of mammals
from the Philippine islands. 3 pl. 14 pp. — B. VV. Sharpe: Notes on the
marine Copepoda and Cladocera of Woods Hole and adjacent regions, including
a synopsis of th e genera of th e Harpacticoida. 20 flg. 32 pp. — J. A.
Cushman : New arenaceous Foraminifera from the Philippines. 19 flg. 6 pp. —
VI. Burr: The Dermaptera [earwigs] in the 0 . S. Nat. Museum. 8 fig. 23 pp. —
F. N. Balcb: On a new Labradorean species of Onchidiopsis, a genus of
mollusks new to eastern North America, with remarks on its relationships.
2 pl. 16 pp. — C. W. Gilmore: Leidyosuchus Sternbergii, a new species of
crocodile from th e ceratops beds of Wyoming. 7 pl. 18 pp. — VV. C. Kendall:
Report on the fishes collected by 0. Bryant on a trip to Labrador in tlie
summer of 1908. 1 pl. 8 pp. — B. A. Beau and A. C. VV'eed: A review of
the venomous toadfishes. 4 pl. 8 fig. 16 pp. — A. Bnsck: New moths of
the genus Trichostibas. 1 pl. 4 pp. — VI. J. Ratbbuu: The stalk-eyed
Crustacea of Peru and th e adjacent coast. 21 pl. 90 pp. — A. 0 . Walker:
Marine amphipods from Peru. 1 fig. 2 pp. — A. L. VV’eckel: Fresh water
amphipods from Peru. 1 fig, 2 pp. - E. VV. Berry; A revision of the fossil
plants of the genera Acrostichopteris, Taeniopteris, Nilsonia, and Sapindopsis
from th e Potomac group. 20 pp. — N. Annandale: Fresh water sponges in
th e collection of the U. S. Nat. Museum. P a rt IV. Note on the fresh water
sponge Ephydatia japónica, and its allies. 2 pp.
Vol. XXXIX. 1911. J. H. Asbworth: The annelids of the family Arenicolidae
of North and South America, including an account of Arenicola glaoialis
Murdoch. 14 flg. 32 pp. — L. Stejneger: A new genus and species of lizard
from Florida. 6 fig. 3 pp. - R. E. Snodgrass: The thorax of th e Hymenoptera.
16 pl. 19 fig. 55 pp. - H. Ricbardson: Terrestrial isopods collected
in Costa Rica by J. F. Tristan, with descriptions of a new genus and species.
4 fig. 3 pp. — L. Stejnegcr: A new scinzid lizard from the Philippine
islands. 2 pp. — S. A. Roliwer: Japanese sawflies in tho collection of Uie
U. S. Nat. Museum. 22 pp. — B. VV. Everniann and 11. B. Latimer: The
fishes of the Lake of the Woods and connecting waters. 16 pp. - H. Rieliard-
son: Description of a new species of Anilocra from the Atlantic coast of
North America. 1 fig. 2 pp. — VI. C. Hall: A new species of cestode
parasite [Taenia balaniceps] of the dog and the lynx, with a note on Proteo-
cephalus punicus. 9 fig. 13 pp. - B. Bar.tsch: The West American mollusks
of the genus Alaba. 3 fig. 4 pp. ~ T. Gill: Notes on the structure and
habits of the wollTishes. 12 pl. 13 flg. 31 pp. - C. B. Wilson: North American
parasitic copepods. P a rt 9. The Lernaeopodidae. 8 pl. 38 pp. — E. A.
VIe.avns: Description of a new rabbit from islands off th e coast of Virginia.
2 pl. 2 pp. - P. Bartscli: Descriptions of new mollusks of th e family
Vitrinellidae from the west coast of America. 2 pl. 6 pp. — J. C. Cr.awford:
New South American parasitic Hymenoptera. 4 flg. 5 pp. - I). S. Jordan
and W. F. Thompson; A review of the solaenoid fishes of Japan. 4 flg.
21 pp. - A review of the fishes of the families Lobotidae and Lutianidae
found in the waters of Japan. 8 fig. 36 pp. - C. B. Wilson: North American
parasitic copepods belonging to the family Ergasilidae. 20 pl. 37 fig. 138 pp. —
North American parasitic copepods. Descriptions of new genera and species.
4 pl. 10 pp. - H. L. Viereek: New species of reared ichneumon flies. 8 pp. -
P. Bartscb: The recent and fossil mollusks of the genus Alabina from the
west coast of America. 2 pl. 10 pp. - Idem of th e genus Diastoraa from
the west coast of America. 4 flg. 4 pp. ~ The west American mollusks of
tho genus Eumeta. 3 fig. 4 pp. - E. A. Andrews: Sperm transfer in certain
decapods. 15 flg. 16 pp. - A. H. Clark: Thalassocrinus, a new genus of
stalked orinoids from th e East Indies. 4 pp. ~ On the inorganic constituents
of the skeletons of two recent orinoids. 2 pp. - On a collection of unstalked
crinoids made by th e U. S. fisheries steamer „Albatross”, in the vicinity
of the Philippine islands. 35 pp. - S. A. Roliwer: On some hymenopterous
insects from th e island of Formosa. 9 pp. - E. L. Jloodie: A new laby-
rinthodont from the Kansas coal measures. 4 fig. 5 pp. — B. S. Bassler:
Corynotrypa, a new genus of tubiliporoid Bryozoa. 27 fig. 31 pp. — F. A.
Hartman: Description of a little known rattlesnake Crotulus Willardi, from
Arizona. 4 flg. 2 pp. - J. E. Pogiie: On calamine crystals from Mexico,
rutile-mioa intergrowth from Canada, and pseudomorphs of marcasite after
pyrrhotito from Prussia. 2 pl. 9 pp. - H. C. Oberbolser: A monograph of
the flycatcher genera Hypothymis and Cyanonyraphia. 31 pp. - J. C. Crawford:
Descriptions of new Hymenoptera. I. 3 fig. 7 pp. - T. D. A. Cockerell:
Bees in the collection of th e D. S. Nat. Museum. I. 24 pp. - VV. K. Fisher:
Hyalinothrix, a new gonus of starfishes from th e Hawaiian islands. 3 pi. 6 pp. —
Vol. XL. 1911. A. H. Clark: The recent crinoids of th e coasts of Africa.
51 pp. - VI. W. Lyou Jr.; Mammals collected by Dr. W. L. Abbott on Borneo
and some of th e small adjacent islands. 7 pl. 95 pp. — 0 . F. Cook: Notes
on the distribution of millipeds in southern Texas, with descriptions of new
genera and species from Texas, Arizona, Mexico and Costa Rica. 20 pp. —
New tropical millipeds of the order Merocheta, with an example of kinetic
evolution. 1 pl. 10 flg. 22 pp. - Tlie hothouse milliped as a new genus.
7 pp. - H. Ricbardson: Descriptions of a new genus and species of isopod
crustacean of th e family Idotheidae from the mouth of the Rio de la Plata,
Argentina, South America. 3 pp. ~ Description of a new species of Aega from
the Atlantic coast of the United States. 4 fig. 2 pp. — Descriptions of a
new genus and species of Janiridae from the n o rthwe st Pacific. 1 fig. 3 pp. -
B. H. Ransom: A new cestode from an African bustard. 7 fig. 11 pp. —
A. II. Clark; The systematic position of the crinoid genus Marsupites. 6 pp. —
11. L. Viereek: Descriptions of six new genera and 31 new species of ich-
neumon-llies. 20 pp. ~ Descriptions of one now genus and 8 new species
of ichneumon-flies. 5 pp. — T. VV. Stanton: Final supplement to the catalogue
of tho published writings of C. A. White. 1897-1908. 3 pp. - VV. C.